Chapter 12

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Y/n pov:
I'm honestly glad me and Miles had that talk. I still want to be his friend. We walk back to the house together and up to our rooms.

"So hey, that thing is tomorrow night that Sophia said she told you about earlier, you are going right?"

I look up at Miles and nod.

"Alright then, goodnight y/n" he goes and closes his door behind him.

Time skip cause im a lazy mf

Banging can be heard from downstairs waking me up. 

"What the-" 

I almost jump out of my skin when Noah and Millie come bursting in.

"Guys what the hell are you doing" I shout.

"Duuuude come down, shits going down" 

Me confused follow them down. 

There is Summer yelling at Miles. I thought she would be gone today. 

"I can't believe that you were gonna have y/n be your plus one since I was going to be gone! She is your ex for godsake!!" She throws a pillow towards his face.

He smacks it down before it hits his face. 

"I can't waste the ticket, everyone here was going but her. I don't get why that's a problem. I thought we had this conversation about her already" 

They were taking about me?

She blows a puff of air out through her nose crossing her arms. " That's all you have to say huh" She turns and walks out before he can say anything.

"Summer" He follows her but not before looking up at us, making eye contact with me last. 

The first time I met her she seemed so relaxed and sweet, what happened to her? 

"Bro, your the beef?" Chosen looks at me in disbelief. 

Everyone looks at me and I shrug. 

"It's not y/n's fault that Summer is insecure" Millie says.

"Dang, harsh" Noah mumbles.

Millie frowns at him. "It's what it is" 

I stay in my room the rest of the day. I debated not going to the party now that summer came back, but Sophie convinced me it would be good if I came. I was getting ready when I got a knock at the door. Sophie came in, already ready. 

"Hey, um, just a warning, Summer is obviously not happy, but your name is on the guest list now so she will have to be here alone. I don't think you should interact with her"

"Yeah, I didn't plan on it. I'll probably have to avoid her from here on out. I'm sure she hates me" 

Sophie doesn't respond and looks down.

"We are leaving in fifteen" 

"Okay, Ill be ready then" 

Outside there is a limo waiting for us. 

"Come, sit with us" Millie whispers, taking my hand. 

Miles and Noah are the last ones inside. It was a little crammed and awkward, no one could think of what to say after this afternoon. 

"Exciting isn't it" Sophie smiles. Everyone else catches on and makes small talk before things get weirder for me and for Miles. 

We arrive at the Party and go inside.  

I was gonna go on buuut, I needed the update so just know shit gonna get good and messy hehe

Perpetual Feelings| Miles FairchildWhere stories live. Discover now