Chapter 11 - Secret's Revealed

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Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed

Further through space we traveled. I was still getting used to the movements and the way the ship's automated atmosphere made me feel. When the gravity simulator was off, I tried my best not to let Ian see how sick it made me but he somehow knew. 

We tried to conserve energy by turning it off. Ian said the outposts that far out in the direction we were heading were few and far between. He hated seeing me ill but he knew our lives depended on us conserving energy.

"When we find your parents what are we supposed to do after that," I asked after hours of silence. I was feeling stir crazy and confined.

"We will have to wait and see. First things first, we have to find them," he sighed as he looked at the screen once again.

We had been looking for several weeks now in the area they should be located but we were having no such luck. Finding someone or something in the vast space was worse than trying to find someone lost at sea in a tiny raft.

At one time we came across some debris and the fear on Ian's face told me everything. He thought it was his parent's ship, but thankfully, it wasn't. Or at least we hoped it wasn't. Ian said the debris wasn't enough if it had been his parents' ship.

We eventually made another stop at another out post and the humanoids there were even stranger looking but we didn't stay too long. The planet's government wasn't stable. Who would have known third world planets existed like third world countries on earth? It sure wasn't me.

I missed the little things from home like television but when Ian wasn't flying the ship, he at least kept me company and occupied.

The time came when our instruments alerted us of a nearby ship. For three days I had to call out over the radio type thing for the other ship but no one answered. But on the fourth day we got a fuzzy answer and it was just what we were looking for.

"Tripan three, this is the Monarch Nine," I called backed.

An unclear response from a man's thick sounding voice replied, "Monar ... ni ... th ... is. Trip ... e."

"Tripan three, we can barely hear you. This is the Monarch Nine," I called again.

"Hear Macy, let me try," Ian said, taking control. "Tripan Three, General Grant, this is Monarch Nine, Ian Grant."

There was a long pause as we waited for a reply. I eyed Ian nervously.

"Ian? Monarch Nine," a stronger voice came through but it still was fuzzy, "Location Monarch Nine."

"Dad, Tripan Three, this is Monarch Nine." Ian's face lit up and my heart raced excitedly for him.

It was several minutes later when we heard another reply and I could see the anxiety eating at Ian.

"It's okay Ian," I said as I rubbed his shoulders. "We are probably still a good distance from them."

"Yea," he sighed but focused back on the controls.

"Monarch Nine this is General Grant from the Tripan Three. Do you hear me," came loud and clear to the point I jumped in alarm.

"Dad, yeah, we are here. What's your location," Ian called out excitedly.

"I am so happy to hear your voice son. Here are our coordinates. Alfa, zero, zero three, two, two one, Zulu, hector, four, at thirty degrees," General Grant called out.

"We are only an hour away," Ian said with a huge smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile from his happiness.

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