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Third Person's POV

Mount Justice: August 19, 19:39

Marin is currently fixing his white long hair basically deciding on what to style it either his signature high ponytail with a ribbon or a low ponytail with a normal hair tie but then he rethinks and doesn't want to feel that he's copying someone once the image of Artemis flew through his mind.

'I don't want to feel like I'm copying someone with the same hairstyle' he thinks to himself before making a final decision in pulling out a purple beanie out of the drawer and puts it on "okay..." he mutters before looking at himself in the mirror wearing a black sleeveless tank-top underneath a white leather jacket, Marin also wears black jeans shorts, along with white socks and purple running shoes.

Marin walks out of the room and goes to meet up with the others that are present only to see Superboy and Kaldur having a sparring match; they stood inside the arena, marked by a glow of white tiles on the floor in a circle. The girls watch from the side and Wally stood, not too far off, watching as well.

"Initiate combat training."

The two circled the arena with their fists raised.


The boys ran towards each other, both punching and kicking. They both held up their own, blocking, deflecting or moving out of the way where possible. Kaldur back flipped to avoid one of Superboy's deadly punches.

Marin was watching this, and he looks amazed that the darker skin male can keep up with the Kryptonian clone as he walks down the stairs and joins the others.

"Kaldur's uh, nice, don't you think?" Artemis asked, turning to face M'gann who was eagerly watching the boys.

Marin stood to the right of her, still watching the two fight. He would occasionally make slight frowns or nods at what he thought were good moves or what he would have done better. Yet the white hair male listened in to his fellow female's conversation.

"Handsome, commanding. You should totally ask him out." Artemis continued.

Marin raised a eyebrow "where are you going with that?" he mutters questioning the blonde female knowing that if he say it in his thoughts everyone will hear him.

"He's like a big brother to me" M'gann replied, smiling.

"But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally." The Martian said playfully, gesturing towards the teenage stuffing a burrito into his mouth.

Marin looks away holding back his laughter while feeling a little hurt, but he ignores it due to holding back his laughter

"You're so full of passion he's so full of..." M'gann trailed off.

Marin smirked "It" he muttered clear enough for the girls to hear him and laugh.

"You wanna know who I think would make a better couple?" Artemis asked the young mage.

Marin raises a eyebrow "Who?" he asked.

"Well, this one is a difficult case, because I ship you with all the other guys" she said.

"All four of them?" Marin questioned.

M'gann thought for a moment and smiled "Oh yeah, I can see that, I mean I've seen how close you were with the others especially with Superboy when you were helping him controlling his rage" she agreed with Artemis "Robin and Aqualad seem to have a fond of you even though they won't say it to your face, and Wally... well I don't know about other than the fact that the two walk back together" the Martian continued.

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