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Author: Forgot to say it Happy pride~

Mount Justice: September 22nd, 18:43 EDT

Third Person's POV

For the past couple of weeks since the Belle Reve mission he'd been nothing but distant to the team except for Cana, he was paying less attention to the others conversing except for Cana of course since she's the only person who Marin closer too, he tried his hardest to take part of any missions even combat training he would easily wipe everyone with one move without putting much effort, even Cana had a hard time which she lasted longer than the others.

Marin looks at himself in the mirror Cana looks around confused by the sudden silence "the fuck" he asked he could've sworn he heard M'gann and Connor smooshing or what he calls it now sucking faces with each other from a mile away much to his cringe and disgust. he ducks as he sees a fire blast heading his direction

"What the hell!?" he questioned.

in a distance from him he sees Artemis jumping back as she fires an arrow, already pulling another from her quiver by the time she lands. Robin slides back, armed with birdarangs that he throws into the smoke screen. They clank against something, but another fireball is launched towards them. Both teens barely manage to dodge it as it hits the wall between the two Zeta Tubes and bursts out. As metal clangs, two figures start to shadow in the smoke.

"Who are we fighting?" Artemis asks Robin, still firing arrows.

"Don't know" the Boy Wonder admits as he comes to her side, throwing more birdarangs. "But we're sitting ducks by the tubes. Head for the exit!" he instructs the blonde archer.

The two of them run towards the hallway on their right, barely dodging a massive stream of fire. As they make it into the hallway, water crashes in before them.

"Or not" he drawls.

The two try to outrun the wave, but still get caught by it and slammed into the wall with a resounding thud. The water level falls to just a little bit of standing water as they push themselves back to stands and move to avoid being torched by another fireball.

Marin turns into Satan Soul and flies toward the two "Artemis! Robin!" he calls

Artemis slows to pick up her bow, a fireball landing mere inches behind her as she nocks another arrow. She fires it and turns to run as three more fireballs rain down. The final fireball, close to another hall entrance, where Robin waits for her, blazes when it hits and then turns into a tornado.

Marin lands and makes a harsh clapping sound pushing the fire tornado back "that won't take long" Marin tells the two heroes with no superpowers.

Artemis, Robin and Marin run into a weight room, the door automatically closing behind them.

"Robin to Team" he puts his finger to the communicator in his ear "Come in" he hears nothing but static sound "Aqualad!" Robin calls for his leader but was futile.

"M'gann, can you hear me?" Artemis tries to contact her via telepathy "Are you there?"

Their attempt to call for help are cut off when fire blows in the door and knocks them off their feet. They're quick to get back and continue to run from the fire tornado.

"Robin to Batcave. Override R-G-4." Robin snaps into the comm. "Cave calling Justice League: H-O-J-slash-Watchtower; B-0-1. Priority: Ray." he, Marin and Artemis turn on the showers as he continues to try the comms. When nothing happens, he knows why. "Comm is down. Locked." he informs as Artemis nocks another arrow. "At least the water's helping." he sighs in relief as he joins Artemis and Marin in the center of the room. The room seems to groan around them. Until the handles pop off the walls. A few tiles fall off as well, then so do the showerheads. The excess water floods the room. "Or not." he mumbles just before the water sweeps them up.

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