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Author's note: Thank you for the 2.3k reads.

Third Person's POV

A blonde young woman stands before a camera, her left hand up to ensure she hears what is coming through her earpiece. "This is Cat Grant reporting live from New Orleans' historic French Quarter where the Martian Manhunter and Superman are in mid-battle against" behind her the two heroes either telekinetically dodge the cars being thrown at them or smash it straight into the river. 

"the so-called Terror Twins-" the camera zooms in on two figures who jump at the heroes, the distance from the camera to the fight prevents anything other than their white-blonde hair, white tops, and black pants to be picked up

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"the so-called Terror Twins-" the camera zooms in on two figures who jump at the heroes, the distance from the camera to the fight prevents anything other than their white-blonde hair, white tops, and black pants to be picked up. "-who have been on a three-state rampage through the south"

One of the twins throws their sibling at Superman while they are still aimed at Manhunter. Superman catches the female twin by the forearms, counteracting her brother's throw before spinning her around to throw her in the same direction Manhunter is throwing her brother.

Both twins crash through the roof of a warehouse. Landing hard enough on the concrete slab floor to dent it. Both of them almost bouncing into a messy roll that leaves them both groaning in pain.

New Orleans: September 14th, 16:53 CDT

Discombobulated they both sit up, the boy looking up with his almost neon blue eyes as he rubs the back of his neck near his chain and lock necklace. Seeing the Mardi Gras style decorations around them as both twins get to their feet. Behind them Red Tornado have inhibitor collars on them before they can react.

The boy notices first yelling a sharp "'Ey!" through his thick southern accent. The collar's three slots all glow bright red, indicating that it has turned on. Despite the high-pitched whine, the boy tries to make a grab at Aqualad, but Kaldur easily pulls the other teen's arm behind his back. "That don't feel right." the other teen groans, still fighting against Kaldur, but getting nowhere. It takes a moment for him to realize why he feels off. "My strength. But I dun' just gone toe-to-toe with Superman."

"Congratulations" Superboy's voice is almost sarcastic as a heavy-duty combat boot comes into view, showing off that in both outfit and hairstyle he looks identical to the teen Aqualad is keeping pinned "That's more quality time than he's ever given me" he said sarcastically.

M'gann looks worriedly at Conner before heading over to the female Terror Twin placing a single hand on the other girl's shoulder.

"Gotch'er inspiration, sister Tuppence?" Conner asks, his accenting matching the deep Southern one the boy was using.

As M'gann turns towards Conner she shapeshifts to match the female Terror, Tuppence, completely stunning the two real Terrors "I believe I do, brother Tommy." her accents a little less pronounced, but not wrong.

"Somebody tell me what's goin' on!" Tommy demands of the two look-alikes as Batman comes up behind them.

"It's simple," the Dark Knight tells the Terror twins. "they're under arrest." accenting his point is the two collars he puts around the two Teen Heroes necks, seamlessly.

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