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It's Wednesday and I have to meet the Dean today first thing in the morning and I don't know what he's going to tell me but at least it's not the principle.

We woke up same time with Carly and got ready together. Since Caleb was also having lessons today, he drove us to school. I was the only person in the house who wasn't attending school today. Such a shame.

Carly escorted me to the office and did her best to calm me and tell me everything thing will be alright though I know it isn't alright but I nod to her. She's just a sweet little human.

I knock at the door and he asks me to enter. His facial expression only scared me to death. "good morning sir" I tell him "good morning Ms Collins. Have a seat." he doesn't have to tell me twice.

"so you may be wondering why I called you here today?" he asked "yes" I nod "right so I have a few questions to ask you Ms Collins and I want you to answer me honestly" he tells me and I nod

"do you know Mr Seol?" he asked. I knew it was something attached to it. "yes sir I know about him" I tell him "ok, so do you see Mr Seol in private or meet outside school?" he asked "I do because we are neighbors" I reply.

"so have you guys connected sexually and please don't lie to me Ms Collins. Tell me the truth" he said and I sigh my eyes getting glossy at this point. This is the end of me.

"yes sir" I nod and he breathes out "how many times?" he asked "once. It was once sir and I had a drink the time it happened. We didn't do it again I promise" I lied "you had a drink. Ms Collins your not 21 yet. Did he force you?" he asked and my brows furrowed "no he didn't. I did it willingly and there is no difference. I'm 20 so what's the big deal?" I asked him.

Where did my morals go?

"are you aware that you broke one of the strongest rules?" he asked "yes sir" I soften "Ms Collins this is a bad thing and if the principle gets to know about this you'll be in big trouble do you know that?" he asked

"I'm aware and as I said, it was once and we understood our mistake" I told him "are you sure you've never tried doing it again?" he asked "no" I reply confidently. I can't even count the times we've had sex.

"I'll have to warn you this first time because you are a good student but this is really going to damage your record at school" he said "are you putting it in my record?" I asked him "the rules say I'm supposed to" he said and I feel like crying right away.

I'm a girl who always followed the rules and I've never got a bad compliment on my record but this is worse. This is where my heart has got me. Into trouble.

"I'm really sorry sir. I'm not asking you to remove it but I promise it was once and we've never tried it again please try to understand me" I plead "I'll think about it Ms Collins. You are free to leave" he said and I started shaking he can tell the principle I lied to too yesterday and I'll be doomed for life.

I slowly walk out of the office facing the floor as drops form my tears make trails. This is called paying for your sins.

Way to go Natasha

I want to talk to my mom.

I walked back home since both of my buddies are still in class. I arrived home and filled the bath tab with  water. I then put in some flavors and I lit up some scented candles.

FORBIDDEN CRAVINGS  | 18+🌺[COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now