Chapter 6: Titania

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As Kanna fought off the unnamed mage's that helped Leon, she overheard the discourse between Gray and his former friend. Her eyes grew wide when she heard Leon state that he wanted to free Deliora so he could kill it, and prove he was stronger than his late master Ur. Once she finished fighting the mage's, she ran towards Gray only to be blown again a wall by a spell used by Leon, knocking Gray unconscious. By the time Kanna got back on her feet, Leon had vanished. She made her way over to Gray, and Natsu arrived at the same time.
"He got away, let's get to the village and help Lucy and Happy." Kanna explained before Natsu could ask, who simply nodded in response as he carried Gray to the village.

"Are you guys alright?" Natsu shouted to Lucy and Happy as he, Kanna, and Gray walked in the village. Kanna raised an eyebrow due to everyone yelling at them to stop. She only realized why they acted that way after they fell into a man made pit. The fall broke the ice around Natsu, and Kanna helped Gray and Natsu out. Before Kanna could ask about the pit, one of the townspeople shouted and pointed towards the sky. In the sky was the giant mouse they fought earlier, who was using its tail as a propeller. It was carrying the three henchmen, and a bucket of an unknown substance. A drop of the substance fell from the sky, and Natsu immediately pushed Lucy out of harms way. That was when they all realized the bucket was filled with acid. The mouse suddenly dumped the rest of the bucket. Natsu yelled to everyone to move to the middle of the village, but Kanna didn't move.
"The people may be safe, but what about their homes? I'm going to stop it." Kanna said as she looked up.
"Are you kidding, you'll get killed!" Lucy yelled. Natsu placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her to have faith in Kanna. The gelatinous acid was falling fast, leaving Kanna only a few seconds to act.
"If I can push it to the edge of the village, that'll do." Kanna thought as she took a deep breath, inhaling the darkness around her. Since she was a Shadow Devil slayer, she could eat darkness to replenish her strength.
"Shadow Devils Rage!" Kanna shouted as she unleashed a massive beam of shadow. It missed the flying mouse, but the force knocked the acid back a little. Realizing it wasn't enough, Kanna put all her strength into one blow.
"Shadow Devils Burst!" The force of the attack pushed the acid outside the village walls, spreading it in a thin even layer around the nearby forest. Exhaustion hit after using so much power between that and the fight prior, causing Kanna to collapse to the ground.
"A devil slayer, how troublesome." Shelia stated. Natsu walked over to Kanna.
"Great work! You get some rest, leave these guys to us." Natsu spoke as he prepared to fight. All Kanna could do was nod before passing out.

Gray and Kanna woke up at around the time. Gray asked where he was, and Kanna explained what had happened up to now. When Gray and Kanna entered a different tent to look for the others, they saw them tied up next to Erza, who was clearly angry.
"I got the whole story from Lucy, weren't you two supposed to bring them back?" Erza queried. They were too shocked to respond, but then everyone realized that Natsu was missing. Erza ordered Gray and Kanna to help her find Natsu, seemingly not to care about the danger ahead. Gray stood up to Erza, saying he wouldn't leave until things were done before leaving. Erza then set Lucy and Happy free, saying they would deal with them breaking the rules once the quest was done. As the group ran towards the temple, Kanna noticed it was slanted. She knew it was Natsu's doing.
"I'll go to the cavern where Deliora is. It's only fair to have a devil slayer down there in case it gets freed." Kanna stated, and her idea was allowed by Erza as she split from the group. Kanna ran into some unnamed mage's that she hadn't defeated, but knocked them down swiftly as she ran to the cavern. When Kanna arrived, she saw a masked man in front of a still frozen Deliora. She had to fight him, but it was hard because she didn't use magic to save her strength in case Deliora was freed.
"Gotcha!" A familiar voice shouted as a ball of fire split the two up. Kanna looked over, happy to see Natsu. The moment was short lived however when the moondrip came down once again.
"Natsu, keep this guy off me while I stock up magic power!" Natsu nodded as he rushed to attack the masked man. Kanna took a deep breath once more, inhaling any darkness she could. Suddenly, Deliora broke free from the ice. Kanna continued to inhale darkness until her guild mates arrived. Gray tried using Iced shell on Deliora, but was stopped by Natsu. Natsu and Kanna simply exchanged a nod as Kanna let all the power she stocked up out.
"SHADOW DEVILS RAGE!" Kanna let out a massive attack, destroying Deliora in one blow.
"I gotta thank your master Gray, she weakened him heavily over the years." Kanna spoke with a weak smile towards Gray, who cried. The water that came from Ur's ice was now Ur, and it became one with the ocean, allowing her to watch over her pupils forever.

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