Chapter 7: Phantom Lord

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Everyone was cheering when Erza reminded them that they still had to cure the villagers affected by the moon drip. Confronting the defeated Leon about it yielded no results on how to break the curse, but it did bring something else. Leon stated that him and his group had never interacted with the village till the Fairy Tail wizards showed up. He even stated that him and his group had been basking under the moon drip for the 3 years they've been there, and they had no effects. When they arrived back at the village, the chief continued bombarding them about destroying the moon. To Kanna and Lucy's surprise, Erza responded calmly that destroying the moon would be easy, but asked the whole village to gather first. As Erza was interrogating the people, she fell into Lucy's pit trap with a girlish scream, which caught everyone off guard. Despite this, she climbed out and continued like nothing happened. After some convincing, the chief explained the truth. They had gone to investigate the ruins, but they would always wind up back at the village gate even if they took a straight path to the ruins.
"As I thought..." Erza stated as she changed armor, asking Natsu for help to destroy the moon. This shocked most of the guild members, but Kanna seemed calm. Erza explained that the armor she changed into was called the Giants armor, and that it increased her throwing power. Then she summoned a spear called the Evil Crushing Spear, which destroys darkness. Natsu punched the back of the spear with a fire punch as hard as he could, giving Erza the last boost she needed to hit her target. However, the moon wasn't the target. The spear hit what seemed to be the moon, but in reality, it was some kind of dome that encased the island. The force of the spear caused the dome to shatter. The townsfolk shimmered for a bit, seemingly going back to normal, but nothing happened. Lucy was confused, so Kanna offered to explain.
"The shell made from the moon drip affected their memories, not their appearances. I sensed it since we first got here. They were demons the whole time." Kanna stated plainly with a shrug. Everyone except for Erza, who also came to the same conclusion, asked why she didn't say anything. She simply stated that she didn't think it was important. Suddenly, Bobo appeared, alive and well. Bobo admitted that he fled the village because he was the only one to regain his memory. The townsfolk began rejoicing as everyone smiled. After eating some food, Erza stated that they wouldn't take the reward because the quest wasn't officially accepted. Despite constant pleas, Erza remained adamant. Even when they offered a ride back to Harjion, she refused because she had highjacked a ship. As they sailed back towards Harjion, Kanna couldn't help but smile.
"So this is what it's like to be in a real guild huh? I can already tell I'm gonna like it here."

As they walked back to the guild hall, they were talking about how Lucy was the only one who actually got anything, being a key.
"So, who's your new spirit Lucy?" Kanna asked, curious on how the new spirit could help on future jobs.
"Sagittarius the Archer, one of the golden keys!" Lucy said excitedly. Kanna's knowledge of different magic helped her to remember that there were only 12 golden keys, matching the 12 zodiac.
"That makes 4 now doesn't it? Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, and now Sagittarius. That's nearly half." Kanna acknowledged, making Lucy happy. Natsu and Gray began shaking with fear when Erza reminded them that they would be punished for taking the job, leaving Kanna and Lucy clueless as Natsu was dragged off. When they arrived to the guild hall, they were all stunned. It was still standing, but massive iron rods were sticking through it. They entered into the basement where everyone was gathered, seemingly unharmed. Master Makarov slapped the 4 for taking the quest, acting happier than he should be. He stated this was done in the middle of the night when no one was in the guild hall. The guild name Phantom Lord was mentioned constantly. Kanna didn't know much about them, only that they were rivals of Fairy Tail. Despite Natsu's constant pleas to get back at them, Makarov refused. As much as they hated it, they had to accept their masters decision. The team that was at the island, without her knowledge, arrived at Lucy's home. They did this because they deduced that it wasn't safe to be alone right now. Kanna and Lucy were caught off guard when Erza calmly brought up that her Natsu and Gray used to shower together. They all decided to take turns instead. After Lucy was done, they tried to deduce the reason for the attack. Natsu suggested that Makarov was scared, but Gray denied it because he was one of the 10 Holy Great Mages. The title is given to the 10 best wizards of each continent. Happy brought up the Phantom Lords guild master Jose had the same title. Lucy asked if Phantom Lord was really that great, which Erza confirmed before explaining.
"Master Jose, one of the ten Holy Great Mages, who's been said to hold an equal amount of magic power as Master Makarov. As well as a group known as the element 4, which are their version of our S class. It's said the strongest of the 4 is Gajeel, who is an Iron Dragon slayer. He was the one who caused the damage to the guild."

The next morning, a crowd gathered around a tree at the center of town. Chained to the tree were 3 Fairy Tail members, Levy, Jet, and Droy. The whole guild was there as they saw their unconscious members hanging. Kanna immediately took notice of the Phantom Lord guild mark on Levy's stomach. Makarov stepped forward as he witnessed the sight. He was willing to let what happened to the guild hall slide. But attacking his guild members, who he saw as his own children, was the final straw. With great force, Makarov shattered his staff as he voice a powerful statement.
"This means war."

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