Chapter 8: Getting Revenge

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Some Phantom Lord members were preparing to leave their guild hall when the front doors suddenly blew open with a massive force that sent the leaving members flying back. Standing in the entrance was the Fairy Tail guild. Conflict started immediately as the members of Fairy Tail fought to avenge their friends who were attacked. Kanna joined in because she was furious as well. She knocked away the Phantom Lord members in groups, taking out all of them. They were looking for Jose, the members of the Element 4, and Gajeel. Gajeel was the first to appear as he joined the fight. He was clearly stronger than the rest of the guild. Him and Natsu fought one on one, seemingly possessing equal strength. It seemed like Fairy Tail had the upper hand, but Makarov suddenly appeared, completely drained of magic power. Kanna was about to unleash a powerful attack, but stopped when Erza ordered the entire guild to retreat. Kanna saw one of the Element 4, and heard them mention to Gajeel that they captured Lucy. Kanna couldn't believe what she heard at first, but Natsu's reaction told her that she heard right. The guild retreated, but Natsu, Happy and Kanna were determined to get Lucy back.

They arrived at the tower where Lucy was being held, and a tied up Lucy fell from one of the windows. Natsu thankfully caught her just in time, and Happy and Kanna ran over to check on them. Happy informed Lucy of what happened before they got here, and Lucy started crying and apologizing. Back at the guild hall basement, Lucy had explained why she was captured. She was the daughter of the Heartphilia family, which was a highly wealthy family. As she was talking about her terrible home life and why she ran away, Natsu comforted her. Saying she belonged here with them.
"Natsu's right. So what if you're from a rich family, you're still our friend. We won't let them get you, because you aren't Lucy Heartphilia, you are Lucy of Fairy Tail." Kanna said with a smile as she rubbed Lucy's back in an attempt to comfort her. Cana wasn't able to find Mystagon, and Laxus refused to help them. Combining that with their master being down, and their hands were tied. To rub salt into the wound, a rumbling could be heard from outside the guild hall. Everyone ran out to see the Phantom Lord guild hall was moving towards them on 6 mechanical legs. A cannon appeared from the front, aiming directly at the guild. Kanna could feel a massive amount of magic power come from the cannon, and a shiver was sent down her spine. Erza suddenly ran forward as the cannon fired, requiping into a new armor, and a powerful shield. She managed to stop the blast, but she was knocked out of the fight. Jose demanded they hand over Lucy, but Erza stood up in defiance.
"We'd never give her up, you'd have to kill us first!" Erza shouted as everyone cheered with her, bringing Lucy to tears.
"We'll take every last one of you down, that's a promise!" Kanna shouted. Happy flew Natsu towards the fortress, desperate to end things. Natsu entered through the cannon to disarm it. That was when they learned it wouldn't fire for another 15 minutes. The entire guild was fighting off warriors created from the guild masters magic. Kanna had noticed they were made of shadows, so she ate some whenever she could. After 13 minutes, the cannon began charging up for another blast.
"Come on Natsu, I know you can do it." Kanna thought to herself as she continued fighting. Seemingly on cue, mere seconds before the Jupiter cannon fired, it crumbled into pieces. Natsu had done it. Suddenly, the walking guild hall changed shape into what looked like a giant mechanical golem. As soon as this happened, Gray, Elfman, and Kanna rushed inside to try to take it down. When they arrived at the control room of the cannon, they saw the fire element 4 about to attack Natsu, who was able to fight due to his motion sickness. Gray swiftly froze him before Elfman threw him away from Natsu. Suddenly, the guild hall began writing a spell them would wipe them all out. Desperate to stop it, the four of them split up to find the source of its power and destroy it.
"That spell will go off in around 10 minutes, meaning we have that long to stop it." Kanna said to herself as she ran through the maze like halls the mech. Kanna heard a rush of wind, and ran towards it, seeing Natsu fight the wind element 4 Aria. He was about to land a massive attack on Natsu, but Kanna landed one of her own first.
"Shadow Devils Rage!" Kanna shouted, hitting Aria back with a massive blast. Natsu and Kanna fought, but he still out matched them. Suddenly when it seemed like all hope was lost. Erza appeared. With the 3 of them together, they teamed up and beat Aria. Just when they thought they won, the guild master Jose announced that they had captured Lucy. Kanna swiftly turned to Natsu and took over holding the exhausted Erza.
"You go save her. I'm willing to bet it was Gajeel who found her, best person to fight a dragon slayer is another dragon slayer right?" Natsu nodded as he and Happy rushed off the find Lucy. Kanna stayed with Erza until Gray, Elfman, and Mira showed up.
"I'm so glad you guys are here! We took down Aria, and Natsu is going after Lucy." Kanna explained. Suddenly, Jose appeared, swiftly taking out Gray and Elfman. Since Mira didn't use magic, this left only Kanna and Erza. They fought with all they had, but Jose was leagues ahead of them in strength. Crashes could be heard from the fight between the two dragon slayers above them. Erza and Kanna stood exhausted, grateful that Natsu had won, but they hadn't left a scratch on Jose. He blasted the two with waves of attacks. Even though they were shadows, they moved too fast for Kanna to eat. He had them all but beaten, but Erza managed to let out one more thing.
"Just as flowers don't get to choose where they grow, children don't get to choose their parents!" Just when it seemed like all was lost, Makarov appeared to fight Jose. Makarov advised them to leave, but Kanna stayed put. Makarov used his magic to increase his size, then he gave Jose to the count of 3 to kneel to him. After the count, Makarov clapped his hands together, crushing a magic ball of light.
"Fairy Law!" He shouted as a bright light filled the area, nearly blinding Kanna. When the light cleared, Jose was highly pale, and collapsed.
"Incredible. That was one of the 3 legendary fairy spells!" Kanna thought to herself. The 3 legendary fairy spells were 3 spells that could only be used by someone who has the Fairy Tail crest. It's a spell that immediately defeats anything and anyone who is seen as an enemy according to the heart of the person using it. Aira, still standing, tried attacking Makarov.
"Shadow Devils Impact!!" Kanna leapt towards Aria with the last of her strength as she struck him with a fist covered in shadow, finally defeating him.
"Kanna?!" Makarov spoke with shock. Kanna simply smiled before speaking.
"I wasn't going to leave you alone gramps." When everyone arrived back at the guild hall, it was in shambles. To make everyone feel better, Makarov gave a speech.
"One person's happiness is everyone's happiness, one person's anger is everyone's anger, one person's tears is everyone's tears. We all feel as one. So raise your head up, you're a member of Fairy Tail." After this speech, some people cheered, while others weeped. Though everyone was happy together, and that they have won.

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