Chapter 22 - New Beginnings

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"You're all free to exit the dorms. Enjoy the rest of your winter break."

These were the last words said through the phone from Professor Aizawa. That day, everyone rushed out of the dorms to get on with their winter activities and trips knowing the campus was safe to roam, and it was safe to go back home. The villains had been gone.. for now, at least.

You said your last goodbyes to your friends for the time being until everyone returned from their trips. You told Tokoyami that you wanted to hang out with him and Sully at least once throughout the break, but apparently, Sully was going on a short trip with Hawks since he had time off with someone else currently covering his work as a Pro-Hero.

You hung out with Tokoyami a few times throughout the break as well, but he had been working for most of the days so you weren't able to spend as much time with him as you anticipated. You were at least able to see him before or after his shifts at the convenience store, which was refreshing and made you think about how you two became friends in the first place.

You resorted to asking Kirishima when Tokoyami was unavailable, and luckily Kirishima had said that he was going to be home for the break since his parents stayed home from their planned trip because they were so worried about him and the whole attack with the villains. So, you made sure to let him know if he ever wanted to hang out anytime throughout the break, that you'd be available.

And you sure did hang out with him quite a lot, but Mina often tagged along. You started to feel like a third wheel after some time, but Kirishima always made sure you felt included. You started inviting Sero to hang out with you three, to which he agreed, so it was you four hanging out for the majority of the snowy days.

Then there was Jude. You weren't able to properly talk to him after that one day, as he was in a rush to get to the airport or something. You remembered him telling you that he usually visited his father during any of the breaks, so you assumed he was in a hurry to get going to see him after a while and whatnot. All he told you was, 'I'll text you when I'm back from my trip—I gotta get going but I'm not mad anymore—really. So just enjoy your break, aight? See you soon, (Y/N).'

The memory of what he had said stuck in your mind throughout winter break until you were able to talk to him. It was the morning of New Year's Eve, and there was one more day left of the break. Everyone had mostly gotten back from their trips except for the one person you had been stressing about talking to for the whole time; Jude.

There was a party being thrown for New Year's Eve, and after what happened at the Halloween party, you honestly weren't sure if you wanted to go, but Kirishima promised that no alcohol was involved at this party since Mina was the one throwing it, and it would be a lot more organized and far less chaotic than the last one, so you decided to go with them anyways. After all, most of the class decided they were going before school started up again along with internships and whatnot.

The snowy weather kept up throughout the past week and didn't seem like it was going away just yet. You were at Kirishima's house, just hanging out before Mina and Sero got there in a bit. Jude had sent Kirishima a text a few minutes ago which read,

Jude: Yo, yea I'll be back home this afternoon lmao

Jude: Mina's still throwing that NYE party right? If I have time I'll come

Kirishima: 🔥🔥

Kirishima: Yeah she's still throwing it, if u got time plz come! Pretty much everyone will be there

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