chapter one: introductions

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My name is Hanna Hades, daughter of Hades and sadly, Maleficent. I live on the isle of the lost and some may think that I search the streets of this stupid island with my sister Mal, but suprise, suprise she is my enemy and my real friends are Uma, daughter of Ursula, Harry, soon of Captain Hook + my crew.

One day when I just came home from a night shift at Ursula's chip shop, my dad decided to bless me with his awoken presence. “Great, you're home”. That's the Isles version of “hi honey, we are so happy to see you how are you?” Anywho I looked at Hades with a quizzical face, because it's a rare occasion that he's awake at 8 in the morning, and even better wants to talk to me. I finally pop the question, “what do you want?” to which he replied “there are news from Auradon saying that they want *you* to attend their prissy little school.” “Auradon? Bore-adon out of all places? At least I’ll get to bring Uma and Harry with me.” was my response. “Actually, prince Ben has personally decided to bring you, Evil queens daughter, Jafars son, Cruella de Vill’s kid and your sister, Mal to his luxurious kingdom.” “Great, this *cannot* get any better. How much time before I leave?” “Until tomorrow morning.” “Fuck.” I said worrying about what my crew, especially Uma will think. “Oh and remember to check on Mal, it would be nice if you two sailed on the same boat again.” “Ironic. And no I will not *sail on the same boat* with the asshole who put a permanent scar on my neck.”

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