recap, prologue or a memory

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*you were raiding the isle of the lost with your gang Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos. Carlos convinced everyone to stop at Ursula's chip shop and take a snack before going to Dr. Facilier's. You all went in and sat down and saw that, Uma, daughter of Ursula was serving you tonight. You always like Uma. But your sister clearly didn't. After ordering a bunch of shrimp with the money that you nicked from a random stranger, you and the gang started thinking about "hiring" another recruit.

That was when Uma decided to visit us again. "Hey I heard you talking about recruiting a new member. I think I could come in handy to your band." "Sorry, we need someone big and bad not a tiny servant. Now bring us our shrimp, shrimpy." Mal and her big mouth, you thought. That's her biggest problem.

Anyways Uma was not happy and stormed of to get our seafood. Coming back she nearly threw it on the table and said " Here ya go, princess Bertha." "What did you just say, shrimpy?" "I said here's your dam fish and I'm not a "shrimpy"." Well, Mal wasn't happy and decided to take her anger out and dumped the massive plate of shrimp on Umas head and said "Now you are." Uma was really mad and stormed off with tears in her eyes.

I finally decided to talk some sense into my stupid, stupid sister. "Mal what is *wrong* with you? You know dam well that Uma is one of the most feared kids on the isle. And now her hair is ruined." "Well go to you Uma if you want so bad, but if you go to her your out of our band." Mal said and took the closest sword out of the sword rack and cut your hair of and slightly damaging my neck. As a demigod you had a better pain tolerance and the cut didn't hurt any of the muscles, so the worst part of it all was that bratty assholes behaviour. "Fine." You said "But don't you *ever* come back longing for me."

A few minutes later you found Uma by the docks looking at the old, abondoned ship, that nobody cares about. "Hey." You started the conversation. "Well you look bad, was Mal so mad that she hurt her favourite member? I guess that makes sense, she once locked Evie in a tower. So what else do you want from me?" "An alliance, a friendship, call it whatever you want. I want to sail into the water and overrun my idiot sister and her band. You with me?" "I'm with you."*

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