chapter 3: arrivals

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I slowly made my way to the grand limo the royal family sent for us, Uma, Harry and Gil closely following me. I was pretty early, but still last. There was a croud by the limo, but thankfully the "Rotten 4" had already gotten into the limo. I turned to my friends. "This is it. Fucking Auradon. What a "dream"." "Here, take this." Uma said taking off her pirate-style hat and placing it on my head. "Thanks." I said with a light smile. "And, uhmmm take this," Harry said giving me a silver locket that opens up to a clock, "Show those Auradon brats, that we can have nice things, 'kay?" "Kay. And don't blow anything up while I'm gone!"

Well that was it. The isle doesn't do hugs so I just went to the limo and looked back, seeing Harry with a sad smile, Uma having a mix of emotions going on, and Gil frantically waving. Then I jumped into the car and the ride could start. Fuck.

Good news: I got the the best seat, in the corner next to the window and the shelves with some things that dont even look real.
Bad news: opposite of me was Evie who was bikering with Mal about "appearances".

Jay and Carlos where fighting over some brown thing, that later smudged all over Carlos face. "What a bunch of bafoons." I thought.

The driver seemed pretty cool though. Mal asked if she had the key that opened the border, and he showed the real key, then closed the indoor window, when she started getting annoying. "I like him." I murmured to myself.

The ride was pretty cool even if we all thought we are going to die. The view was much better than anywhere on the isle, and who new that the sun was so pretty, but painful?

As we drove into Auradon, I could already see the people forming a massive crowd. Some where amused at what are we going to be like, some looked with disgust, but finally we reached the grand school that was called "Auradon prep". "Stupid name," I thought, but the stupidest thing was just before us.

Our first appearance on Auradon ever was a total fail. Or their first appearance. I did just fine, but Mal stumbled out, Evie following, and then those idiots Jay and Carlos fell out fighting. I mean, it was mostly Jay's fault, because Carlos was a pretty okay dude, as much as I remember him.

Still after all of this, prince Ben was a pretty nice dude, unlike his girlfriend, Audrey. How funny would it be if Ben swapped out Audrey for one of the "Rotten 4".

Well Mal made a very obvious interest into fairy godmother's wand and fairy godmother herself. "Fairy Godmother? Like bibbity bobbity?", but afterwards some dude called Doug showed us our room and stared at Evie quite a lot. But who can blame him, she's the heartbreaker of the Isle.

The room was horrifying, though. Bright pink everything and "baby pink" curtains with flowers. Bleugh. And the worst part was, that I had to share with Mal and Evie. At this point I'm going to shout at the king himself. But no time for that. I have to hit the library and find ways to get out of here, and possibly some books on greek mythology. I am the daughter of a Greek god, after all, even if he won't EVER shut up about it. So naturally the first thing I did was hit the library and I didn't only find what I needed, but also who I needed to make life bearable here.

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