chapter 2: the lost revenge

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One, Uma wasn't happy. Two, Uma definitely wasn't happy.

"You have to go to Auradon with Mal and her rats? You get to go to Auradon?" "I'm not happy about it either. But that's possibly our only way of freeing all of us. And don't worry, I'm not letting Mal get all the hype" "You better not."

It was a busy day on the Lost Revenge. Bonny and Jonas were both on sword duty, but it was obvious that they listened to our conversation more than sharpening those dam weapons they can barely use. Harry was just coming back from whoever he decided to rob today, but not even being the second-best swordsman on the isle could save him from the local news.

"Hello Uma, hello lass. Anything new here?" As guessed, poor man didn't know yet. He won't be happy either.

Before I could start the conversation, Uma chimed in "Hanna got an invitation to Auradon. She's leaving tomorrow." "Bore-adon? The fucking home of posh boys, and over-themselves girls, eh? Why?" "Prince Ben's orders." I picked up the convo. "Well let the prince fuck himself." As I said, Harry was not happy.

Uma was already on another topic "At least we gotta celebrate one of our captains last night on this shitty island. What do you say about a All swords night?" I couldn't refuse, even if it seemed a bit suspicious. We only hold Swords nights on special occasions. We always nicked some food from Ursula's and held a massive swordsfight battle for anyone willing to participate, and I usually won, with the exceptions of Harry and sometimes Uma. As suspicious as it seemed it was a great way for Uma to knock out some anger and for me to not worry about who I put on scraping duty, because that always goes to the sore loser.

The night went well and I think I passed out, because I woke up in my cabin, but I don't remember going to my cabin, and i dont remember someone pucking on the floor outside the cabin. But that wasn't my problem. Not today.

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