chapter 6: did I mention?

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For this week I have 1 word : "Auradon". Today is the big game that were clearly winning (I'm not a sportsperson besides the local VK swordsfight, but, hey they wanted me to be more active in the community, so that's that.), and on Friday there's going to be some kind of "parents day". Of course.

The game was okay, even if I was sitting next to some kids publicly making out. As predicted, we won and surprise to just about everyone who knows Jay personally, he learned the definition of a team.

But the biggest surprise only came after. Did I mention that? We were just celebrating the moment, or at least Thay were, until… the prince of Auradon happened. He seriously went and thought "Huh, what better way to announce you love a kid everyone else hates, and that you're breaking up with your 'perfect' ex, than to write a song and publicly sing it and ashame everyone, who happens to know you personally? None! A on, two....."


Family day was somehow even worse. But because everyone wants me to be optimistic, I got to have a singular phone call with my dad. Yay! First, the Rotten 4 got their call, because my dad + my mom in the same room is NOT happening. But finally when they ended bickering, I got my turn and they left. "Hey spark, have you taken over the world yet and spread my name?" Charming, I know. "No I have bigger problems called 'how to stop goodness class 101, because that thing is truly worthless', 'how to get redemption for my friends' and 'how to not fry my brain because of these Auradon shmucks stupidity and superiority complex'. "Sounds about right. And also your friend Umi is staring me down in hopes of talking to you." "My name is Uma." Ahhh, that familiar voice. "Dad, can you go, I need to have a talk with someone who understands the possibility of dying." "Okay, okay, but remember, I AM A GOD!" Of course.

After he left I got a chit-chat with my girl. "Heey, how's the crew coming along?" "The same as always, only without any sense of order, Desiree wanting to kill anyone even more by the day, and me trying not to puke at Mal showing of on tv. What about you? How's the grand life of bore-adon coming along?" "The beds are awesome, and we get food that's not rotten, so that's that. But any other way? No comment. You already heard about the idiots with their superiority complex and they handle every tiny wound like it's a big deal. And also, you get stared at, like a lot." "You better come back soon and bring us some actual food." "Don't worry, I will."
We continued our conversation, until Fairy Godmother decided to interrupt and forcing me to attend the public events planned for the day. Great success.

The rest of the day went on 'smoothly', and by that I mean, Mal and her crew got into a fight, and everyone threw a tantrum. Great success. But, hey, at least I met Mulan's daughter, who was one of the most tolerable people I met, and I got a taste of blueberries and anything and everything chocolate.

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