chapter 5: school and stuff

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Turns out over the night Mal and her gang tried to steal fairy godmoms wand from the museum. Even if they didn't tell me, I know everything. But their spectacular plan failed, and now I have to sit at the worst lesson ever made. It's called "primordial goodness 101" The blue fairy gives the most boring questions and we just sit here and whine all class long.

"Okay, let's see, if I find a baby do I a) poison it, b) lock it in a tower, c) give it a bottle or d) carve its heart out?" What a waste of time. And somehow these pea brains still couldn't answer. Then all of a sudden, Jane, miss fairy's mom came in. And she caught not only my attention, but also Mal's.

Finally the lesson ended and Mal rushed off to who knows where, and Jay, Carlos and Evie where left alone to fend for themselves. I checked my newly assigned timetable and saw that I had English next. I liked English. A though nut for an Isle kid, but still somehow not really appealing to others. Oh well, the more the merrier for me. Evie's favourite was science, because she could stare at Chad Charming, the son of Cinderella and Prince "his name doesn't matter". But I personally think he's adopted, because he looks nothing like his parents or his little sister. But that doesn't stop him from being a brat. Mal likes nothing and the Jaylos duo likes tourney. A wee boys game, if I got any say. And their swordfight team are absolutely horrifying.

Sorry guys that's all from me today, I got a case of writer's block, but see you soon!
XOXO, gossip girl 😘

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