memory magic

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*Everything was going well. You found an old ship that you renovated a bit, 'till it became approachable, and you already found some recruits. Uma was playing the visible leader role. Speeches, sailing and making dure to be feared by non-pirates was her department. You were more the brains behind the voice. Duty management, keeping everything in check and making plans. Another help was the son of Hook, but he was more the physical warrior. Together you, Uma and sometimes Hook Jr. worked as a team quite well.

Today was new recruit tryouts day. So far we have Hooks son, beagle boys kid and John Silver's son. You and Uma sat down at a table liek some kind of talent show judge, that Auradon decides to randomly broadcast. According to your plan, the next contestant is going to be Desiree Sherman. Her mom is really not interesting, she was the casual braces kid who liked to kill fish. You personally weren't a big fan of her personality, but, hey, she did quite good in her audition, and Uma liked her so she's in.

Now the final deed of the day was Umas chip shop. You have helped ever since you saw how nasty Ursula is to her daughter (like, one week ago), and Uma clearly needs the break. As you enter, you see no one else, as mister Hook Jr. "Hello, captain," he greets you. "Good evening, Hook, don't you have better places to be?" " Oh drop the fuckin' formshmalities. You don't have to good evenin' me. And also while you're at it, call me Harry. That's me actual bloody name, y'know." "So many requests, from someone with less power than the other. Fine. Hello, Harry." "Now that's more like it." He smiles as he leaves the chip shop to go wherever. "Next time, I might as well call him his full name." You murmur under your breath as you carry on.*

***Editors note:
If you don't know any of the characters I mentioned, I did my research, but u don't have answers to y'all's questions.

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