chapter 4: a change of style

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I found Ben in the library. Great, more socializing. It was easier to "make friends" on the isle. You just stick with the people you have to stick with and that's that. In auradon you gotta make sure to not hurt anyone's feelings.

"Hey how are you feeling here, in Auradon?" Ben greeted me with a sweet smile. Fuck him and his smile, I already miss my more ruthless crew. "Shit, thanks for asking." I responded with a bit of a fake smile, but hey, I tried. "Why? Is anything wrong with your dorms? Maybe you can't find something?" "No the problem is you. You seriously didn't put thought into who you're bringing here." "What do you mean? I brought over the kids I thought needed help the most." "Well funny thing is, that those kids, who you picked are 4 who are something you would call a "gang" and 1 of the 2 people who hate them the most. Great idea, man. And also who's idea was to decorate the dorms like that? I'd like to sue them, please." "Well I'm sorry I just thought that-" "Yeah keep thinking to a better day. Right now all I'm asking from you is a separate dorm with not even a dust cloud of pink. Please. Thank you. Bye. I got matters to attend."

Well, that was it from my side, but sadly for me, not from Bens. "Okay, that is done. And also I can maybe arrange a phone call for you and your friends." "We don't have phones, you bafoon, we don't even have actual food or somewhat okay quality clothes." "Now please, can you show me where the restrooms are?" I didn't need the restrooms, I just wanted to get aways, and *finally* it worked. "Yeah, sure and I will put some thought in the life on the Isle…" "Yeah great by, nice talk." I was actually starting to need to use the toilet from his constant yapping.

Finally in the evening I got a new dorm, that was all in dark wood, but now in blue. I mean it's still not perfect, but an upgrade from the pink everything with light wood. I guess I can be a bit bratty now, I mean I lived my whole life having to work for scraps. But back to the room, the best part about it was, that it belonged to me and me only.

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