chapter 22

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when we got to the hospital mom was waiting in the front and took me to see dad first, i was so happy to see him but he did not look to good, then the doctor came in he does not have much time left, so you need to say your good bye fast.

"good bye dad" said Joseph

"good bye daddy" said destiny

"good bye" said mom

"good bye daddy i will miss you" i said

"bye guys i will miss you all" said dad

that was it he was gone i started to cry then Joseph grab me and held me and told me it was OK to cry, and then he started to cry because he was with dad every day even after he and mom split. i was so sad that i did not want to stay then a doctor came and took the family to another room with 2 beds one for destiny, i was sad that she had to stay in the hospital, to have surgery, but i still did not know why, but i was not going to ask as every one was sad.

"Joe hunny will you take Sam home later and stay with her as i want to be with destiny as this is her first time in the hospital" said mom

"ya sure and if you don't mind i want to keep her out of school for a few days"

"now i want her in school every day" said mom

"OK mom" said Joe

"but mom can i stay home tomorrow please" i asked

"no Sam you all ready missed 2 months this semester" she said

we went home it was a quite drive home with me and brother we did not talk and when we got home I went to my an found my knife then I thought it was not worth it. Then I went on facebook there where some really mean post one said 

"I bet the police where there to take the crazy bitch away" another said "bet she going to jail for being a slut" another said "I hear she pregnant" I was mad and pissed then I went to my web cam on Facebook and made a video

"OK you guys may thing you know my story but you don't you know my name and that is all well I don't care any more because I am the real Samantha. People bully me behind my back or even to my face they bully me on line." I said

Just then I got up and locked my door I have enough of all this shit. I took my bloody knife and cut on my wrist and watched the blood fall to the floor. My brother came running up to see what I wanted for dinner I did not answer then he kicked the door down and came in and saves my life he took me to the hospital to get stitches. I was not happy then the doctor came in and asked my brother to talk to him the hall. They talked and then my mom showed up I knew I was in trouble,she walked in and looked at me, and said. Nothing then my brother came and it was time to leave. I left and got in the car with my brother.

"the doctors asked me why you did it" said Joe

"i don't know" i said

"you promised me you would not do it any more sis" he said

"ya well sometimes i feel alone" i said

just then he stopped the car.

"i want to show you something" he said

"OK what do you want to show me" i said

"it is at the police station" he said

"OK well lets go" i said

then he started up the car and we drove to the police station he stopped the car and pulled in to the parking lot then we went in side.

"OK what do you want to show me" i asked

"come with me" he said

just then he took me to a room all lone with just him and went in to a folder, and pulled out some photos with peoples head where not able to make out so i did not know who there where.

"i wanted to show you this" he said

"what are these" i asked

"these are all kinds of kids that killed them selves" he said

then he pulled out one

"this girl you know"

i looked at the photo

"Jenna" i said

"yes that is do you know how she died" he asked

"no i don't" i said

"she killed her self by cutting her wrist in the right spot and she bleed out and he parents where not home and when they got home the found her in her room they called 911 and tried to stop the bleeding but by the time the paramedics got there it was to late she was dead" he said

"i thought you were not support to tell people this stuff" i said

"i am not but because she was your best friend and her parents asked me to tell you" he said

" i cant believe you showed me this photos of my friend dead" i said

"well it was only to scare you in to not doing it again" he said

just then another officer walked in.

"hey Joe i did not think you were working today" she said

"ya i am not but i had to show my sister something" he said

"oh why are you showing her photos of teen suicide" she said

" there is a reason" he said

"oh was it what happened to her a few months ago" she said

"yes oh that right you where the officer on her case" he said

"ya i was" she said

"can we go now Joe" i said

"yes we can" he said

"well by Joe see you in a few weeks" she said

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