767 19 1

                                12:12 am.

before you read!! this contains sexual thoughts and actions, if you don't wanna see this scroll down a little. thank you!!

𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑 took pictures in her bikini in her room, just observing the way she moved trying to find more reasons to hate her
i can't stand her i hate her.

but i can't deny the way she's posing is making me feel something weird. and i can see her making eye contact with me is making my stomach churn and a pool is forming in between my legs.

watching her pose, doing all these crazy things makes me uncivilized let's use that word, she moves her body in such ways the chemistry we have between each other because i know she wants me just as bad, even if she didn't i love s good chase.

her lights cut off, only thing you can see is her naked figure from the sunset lamp before she closes the door. i feel like a stalker but she was teasing me i know it.

instead of cylor being next to me it's just some stupid brunette, her name was jeannie and i already told her i didn't want anything serious but she acts like were together like naurr..

her thumbs circle my hands until i just snatch away. i'm tired and irritated and she's circling my hands like it's gonna make it better like get tf out. "listen jeannie you gotta go im tired."

she stared at me for a second before speaking completely in utter disbelief "what do you mean paige you said i could-" she said sitting on her knees, her hands just barley coming in contact with my hair.

i push her hands away in a swift motion and backing away "bro i don't want you here no more so will you escort yourself out" she sucks her teeth and crawls out of my bed.

"is it because of that cylor bitch? because i can clearly do better" in the moment what i was going to say to her was going to be disrespectful but i remembered i'm a woman of God.

i grab her by her arms as she struggled to get out of my grip, i opened the door and pushed her out with her shoes following her then slammed the door. yes i know that was extremely wrong but i'm not in the mood for her anymore.

assuming the slamming of the door woke up the blonde because i can clearly see her short frame being shown by the moonlight her beauty being hidden away, you can tell her hair is in a messy ponytail and she's wearing hello kitty pajamas.

i roll my eyes at her before walking to my room again and closing my door then jumping into my bed. i close my eyes and take deep breaths just trying to get my mind off everything and i need to be sleeping anyway we have an early practice tomorrow.

but the thoughts of cylor never went away, i want her so bad and i will have her even if i have to steal her from that stupid kate martin girl, cylor will be mine. but she can't know that yet.

that's all i remember before my eyes started to close feeling heavier and heavier and my tense body starts to relax until my eyes closed completely and everything went black.

                                    ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
cylor, 5:00 am

𝐈 𝐘𝐀𝐖𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐌 rang signaling me it's time to wakeup, i'm kinda glad i am waking myself up early because i have a lot to do today. grabbing my vlog camera and starting it before smiling, good morning munchkins!! i greet them.

this morning well today in general we have alot to do, ive singed up to be a physical therapist for the school and i got the job offer so i'm excited what that has in store for me, and i need to go on a walk so .. i say trailing off, anyways let's get ready for the day!

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