548 12 9

12:33 pm.
paige buckets.

𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 eating trufru as greys anatomy played in the back ground which is allegedly her comfort, favorite show. now you may think this is bop activity from cylor since she's jumping from basketball player to player, but she actually expressed how she never wanted kk. it was more of friends with a flirt thing.

i watched as she laid on my chest, inara on me too her chest heaving up and down, her flushed pink cheeks from our last conversation and her pineapple trufru being popped into her mouth. the more me and cylor talk i realize how interesting she is, she isn't like every other girl, she doesn't have the same mindset everything is different. to be honest she's kinda strange and off putting when she tells you what's going on in her little noggin.

noggin - head and or brain.

i liked this, i liked it a lot to be honest because there was no one following us around, no weird questions, just us. i personally love being a homebody and knowing that cylor does too that's basically a green flag i'm ignoring ALL RED FLAGS. she's always been perfect in my eyes so for her to say she has red flags has me perplexed.

the blonde on her chest spoke, the vibrations biting her on the stomach. "there's a costume party at the bar tonight, would you like to go?" she said looking up at me, her blueish grey eyes piercing me. ofcourse, i agreed just knowing i could be in her presence made me feel okay.

her eyes laid back onto the tv watching the show that was completely uninteresting to me but she doesn't like the shows i watch, but i know i can keep a poker face when i don't like something but with cylor it's clear when she doesn't like something. i swear you can see her eyeballs change colors

next thing i know she wants food. "well what do you wanna eat cylor?" i say looking down at her pursing my lips together waiting for her response, in which i get a "whatever is fine" like girl your the one hungry not me. henceforth we decided on chick-fil-a after minutes of staring off and debriefing. im wiggling to get out of cylors reach so i can get out my phone but she won't let me get up.

"cylor i have to get my phone" i protest and she just ignores it and i see her literally roll her eyes, "okay u won't get no food" i say with a shit eating smirk on my face because i know she'll go to the depths of hell and back for some damn food. so she lifts herself up with a heavy annoyed sigh then she got up and left to her room and slammed the door and locked it.

i've never understood her attitude problem she's had it since she was a little kid, now before y'all paint me as the bad guy yall remember when i had allegedly pushed her down? well the full story was, SHE BULLIED ME FIRST she had been teasing me that day in school and she put her hubble bubble gum in my hair. i remember how long it took for it to come out of my hair and i thought i'd miss recess.

and she was super bitchy and two faced in high school well in MY eyes, and she was completely snapchat addicted. i'm surprised her parents didn't send her to a psychiatric homes it was always "let me post this on my snapchat" EVERYDAY, but i got her what always gets from chick-fil-a allegedly from a interview which is a 12 count with a sprite and light ice.

by this time it's around 1:46 and the food is supposed to arrive by 2:15 no latter than that, so with that i continued to scroll on instagram till i came across a post of cylor that was just made. knowing me i analyze everything just to realize that's what tf she's doing in there, but she looks beautiful nonetheless so i have to add my two cents in there.

♫ kali uchis - dead to me

𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄♫ kali uchis - dead to me

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