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                               cylor ✿

𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐊 as her cat, inara made biscuits on her stomach. cylor was feeling extremely homesick not her home here, her home in florida in which they never sold it they decided to keep it for a beach house. which means all her baby pictures that once hung on the walls are dusting, the room she once called hers was empty.

her eyes got glossy just thinking about it. the beach in the backyard she once called hers is empty, no one tanning, no one playing in the sand, just silence and the waves crashing together. she hated talking about her feelings, she wasn't very interested in journaling so she kept all of this in her heart till one day it'll lash out on someone else.

cylor felt like a zombie, she went to class, walked around, talked to people, showers, sleeps and repeat. she felt like a song on loop never feeling ease, the only thing keeping her going is blonde. not her hair color the album, her comfort. cylor found comfort in her own sadness.

there was no explanation on why she felt like this. sometimes she just felt a unexplainable sadness but it'll fade off hence why she never talked about it, it would be a waste of her breath. nevertheless she had to get up and start her day anyways, so that's what she did. she got up out of the once warm bed and now onto the cold floor. no slippers that would always comfort her feet.

cylor walked around the kitchen island then plopping onto it with inara following shortly behind. ever since cylor has gotten inara they've been inseparable, while cylor sat crisscross apple sauce she looked through her baby photos and taking pictures of her favorites.

but someone in hiding in limelight appeared behind cylor without making a single noise. "that's you?" the girl said, making cylor jump in fear then looking behind her with a scared expression. paige madison you scared me, and yes that's me. you look so adorable she said a smiling lacing in her voice, she looked up at me then flipped another page. basically looking for herself.

𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 has just added to their story!

𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 has just added to their story!

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liked by paigebueckers and 368 others.

paige and cylor talked for awhile after she posted her baby picture, mentioning how the team was going team bonding at the beach and they wanted you to come paige spoke while playing with inara. "i don't think i should, it's TEAM bonding im not on your basketball team" i said emphasizing the team part.

she completely ignored that part anyway, and told me i'm going regardless with a signature paige smile in which made me smile too. then asked a abnormal question, " is your favorite song still pretty sweet? the one by frank ocean?" she asked looking up at me with a unexplainable face.

in response i give her nod, how'd you remember? i said giving her suspicious look "because, i've always wanted to listen to it but never got the chance" she went on her phone and gave me her left airpod as she searched for the song on apple music. i say crisscross apple sauce waiting for the song to play, then i hear the melody in my ears with a quick "now"

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