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11:33 pm.

𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐆𝐄 got closer and closer, you could basically say they were MELTING into each other. that entire week paige and cylor were never seen without each other and never missed a beat it was like they were in sync, and everyone noticed how close they were going from hating each other to being girlfriends even though it was never official.

and this week, in honor of cylors appreciation of the entire team taking her in and being so kind to her, she brought them to her hometown in florida and from that we can tell everything was going perfect for cylor. cylor spent most nights on the beach with paige as they laid on the cool sand, while cylor hummed tunes and drew stars on paige's chest, paige pointed out stars that were so visible in the sky that night.

cylor could feel the anticipation building up in her stomach and she could tell something would happen on that trip but she wasn't too sure on what, until it happened. paige turned on her left side facing cylor and they pressed their lips together letting giggles fall in between and once they separated, smiles lapped onto their faces and cylor stared into her million dollar eyes those same eyes that match the beautiful ocean water perfectly. the moon was glistening on top of the ocean as the waves crashed together.

paige almost spoke but for a moment she paused then took a deep breath before speaking, "cylor will you be my girlfriend?" she said holding the girls hands, her thumb rubbing against her hand. her cheeks were red and her eyes lit up immediately "yes! ofcourse paige a million times yes!" cylor spoke with excitement and it was laced in her voice the two kissed each other again, this time it got a little more how do i put this.. sexual.

paige pulled the girl ontop of her and cylors blonde hair lowkey tickled her face; cylor rubbed all over body below her, and that clearly gave her a good reaction because paige bucked her hips and let out a slight groan.

cylor got off the girl and rolled back onto the blanket they laid on, giggling and staring at the girls plump lips beside her. "your always teasin' mee!" the girl next to her dragged out with a huff and a frown on her face. "i'm sorry baby" cylor said as she kissed the girls plump and tender lips again allowing each other to live in each others ecstasy.

as cylor stared aimlessly at the night sky she felt herself getting drowsier and drowsier, the next thing she knew she was out. she had no dreams or anything which is pretty abnormal for cylor since she always has vivid dreams.  but tonight it was pure darkness and she wondered why.

the girl beside me, cylor looked beautiful as she slept and i can't believe she's mine. like actually mine, not to flaunt her like she's a dumb prize but come on cylor is gorgeous. who wouldn't want to flaunt her around?

paige couldn't believe that this was the same girl she "hated" when it was secretly just a crush, who would've known the girl she watched from the window of the living room that was able to look straight into cylors bedroom above the garage if she didn't have her blinds closed in which she never did.

one thing cylor told paige was how much she loved sleeping with her blinds and window open, you're thinking why on God's green earth would she want to do that? it's because cylor loved looking out her window before she went off to sleep, she loved how the thin white curtains blew in the night breeze reminding her as if she was in a movie, or her favorite movie.

the virgin suicides.

anytime cylor felt like she wasn't real or life wasn't real, she'd pretend that she's just in a show or a movie and even if it was real who cares.

the girl she watched everyday and prayed to have and cherish forever was hers, and that to paige meant everything and that was her life's accomplishment.

        to 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐓 into cylor, and she did.
                              the end.

an extra down here part down here
i love you all so much

                    𝐂𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄


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𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍: this was when cylor was in her early ages of life; also when she was in elementary school. this is when paige first met cylor at her home after they found out their parents were old mutuals, little paige didn't know she was being "strange" as she watched cylor watch halloween movies on her tv or exit her home through her garage.

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑: this is when cylor was is middle school, she didn't peak in middle school till eighth grade when her body developed completely. people didn't speak so highly of her because of how her body was shaped, it was only because cheer was only filling out her body in the "right" places. obviously boys loved it but cylor knew what she wanted and that was her boyfriend. or was it the girl across the street? was it weird that cylor noticed when paige was looking but didn't say or do anything? she practically acted like she didn't notice. paige noticed when cylor was writing in her diary or watching tv or just in her room in general because her lamp would be on.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑: during this time cylor got more in more popular in high school and by this time she knew everyone and everyone knew her or knew OF her, she was out of her closet and she didn't care what people thought of her because she knew as long as she was beautiful none of that would matter, paige watched as cylor and her mother's relationship strained as cylor grew older not wanting to spend as much time with the woman she used to call "mommy", the woman that gave her life. they were still pretty close but not as close as they used to especially after her other siblings were born, cylor and her mom and dad had their hands FULL.

paige also watched cylor sneak and girls and she felt her ears go hot and her fist bawl up, she always watched as the girl got out the shows walking back from her room in her towel, she knew the hardwood floors stuck to her feet and she watched as she sat on the end of her bed switching through different shows on netflix to watch.  she watched as the girl got undressed but little did paige know that cylor knew she was watching her so she put in every effort to make sure she looked as sexy as possible.

WHEN THAT NEXT AUTUMN ROLLED AROUND, the ayers family was gone. they up and left and no one knew where cylor went or her family. only their closest friends and relatives knew where they were and it was like they were apart of the witness protection program the way no one knew where they were, cylors instagram account was up still with nothing posted on it since december 25th.

no one heard from the family again until someone at school found her new and improved instagram account with almost 200 thousand followers and that's when it spread around town like wildfire, especially when they found her new youtube channel and how many subscribers and views she got.

HI WERE FINISHED FOR NOW AND IM COMING OUT WITH A NEW BOOK ABOUT A SINGER AND IDK IF SHE SHOULD BE WITH KK OR PAIGE...  it's called never be yours!!  lmk in the comments if yall want me to continue this book and who do y'all want this next book to be about.

until then; kisses.

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