Chapter 12

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Curiosity got the best of me making me ask Vlad something horrible. "Vlad do you intend to drink human blood all the time?" As I asked this question, Vlad suddenly jerk the car holding me on my seat making sure I would not fall on my face straight. "The actual heck Kat! I don't. Of course not. Did you think I am such a beast just like how they put me down in history?" He was expecting an answer from me but looking at my frightened face he sighed leaning back still keeping his blue ocean eyes on me. "You know It was a bloody curse that made me sacrifice my soul so that I could keep my people safe. Well I had to feast on human flesh sometimes but I would never do it against their will. Some willingly gave me their blood as they thought it is an honor to serve me, the Wallachian prince. But you know I feast on Animal's blood too. But it would only quench my thirst or hunger if I feast on their flesh as they are slowly dying in my hands." I feel bad asking him that burning question. "Vlad I am extremely sorry. I should not have asked you that. I would only feel what you are going through if only I am in your shoes. You know how people get curious about vampires specially when it comes to the mighty Dracula?" I told him what I felt as he had already started driving. But to my surprise he was looking at me but guiding the car pretty much well. Looking at my face Vlad raised his eyebrow in surprise knowing that I was completely fascinated by his abilities.

Vlad had told me earlier that it would take about an hour to reach the art exhibition place. I felt thirsty and somehow Vlad felt it too. Vlad chuckled softly, a sound that rumbled like distant thunder. "Thirsty after your daring question, are we?" he said, a hint of amusement lingering in his voice. I mumbled an apology again, cheeks burning. "It's just... everything you've told me, it's a lot to take in." "If you are feeling parched grab a bottle." saying this he slide a section in between our two seats open. It had a compartment consisting of snacks, water bottles, coffee, sugar and cups. I grabbed a bottle and drank on one go as I never felt this thirsty in my whole life. Grateful for the subject change, VIad launched into a detailed explanation of the exhibit. It showcased the works of a local artist known for their hauntingly beautiful sculptures that blurred the line between reality and dream. As I spoke, I stole glances at Vlad. Despite the initial scare, I couldn't deny the captivating aura he possessed. His profile was sharp and aristocratic, his gaze fixed intently on the road ahead. Now that the initial fear had subsided, I noticed a hint of sadness lurking in his ocean-blue eyes. Suddenly, the car lurched to a stop. We had arrived. My body was slightly aching but I did not pay attention since I have to be presentable at the arts exhibition as Vlad's Acquaintance. 

"Here we are," Vlad announced, his voice neutral. "The Palace of Arts."

The building loomed in front of us, a grand structure bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun. Stepping out of the car, I took a deep breath, both nervous and strangely exhilarated.

Vlad offered me his arm, a gesture both old-fashioned and oddly comforting. "Ready to face the mortals, milady?" he asked, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, taking his arm with a newfound determination. Maybe this wouldn't be just any ordinary night at the art exhibition.

We walked together towards the grand entrance of the Palace of Arts, the weight of Vlad's past hanging heavy in the air. I stole a glance at him, searching for a way to bridge the unspoken gap between us. "Vlad," I began hesitantly, "you mentioned rituals. Why did you not find a solution?" He sighed, a flicker of pain crossing his features. "There are legends, whispers of ancient rituals, but none that I have been able to find truth in. I've searched for centuries, Kat. The hunger is a constant companion, a dull roar that only intensifies with time." My heart ached for him. The burden of immortality suddenly seemed like a terrible price to pay. "But you seem... different," I ventured cautiously. "From the stories, at least." A faint smile touched his lips. "The stories are often painted by fear, Kat. They only see the monster, not the man beneath." We reached the grand doors, the murmur of conversation spilling out from within. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders. "Then let's show them who you really are," I declared, a newfound determination burning in my eyes. A surprised look flickered across Vlad's face, then a slow smile spread across his lips. It was a smile that held a hint of something new, a spark of hope that hadn't been there before.

The weight of Vlad's words settled heavily in my stomach, churning alongside the unease that had been building with my question about the rituals. Just as I was about to speak again, a wave of nausea washed over me, forcing me to clutch my stomach and stumble slightly.

Vlad's hand shot out to steady me, his concern etched on his face. "Are you alright, Kat?" "I'm alright," I insisted, forcing a smile despite the churning in my stomach. The weight of Vlad's words and the sudden wave of nausea made me feel lightheaded. "Just a little car sick, I think. We can still meet Elena and Alexander, right?"

Vlad's concern remained etched on his face. "Are you sure, Kat? Maybe we should postpone—"

Before he could finish, a wave of dizziness washed over me making me loose my last bit of consciousness. The grand entrance seemed to tilt, and the sound of the approaching taxi faded into a distant hum. The world narrowed to the worry in Vlad's eyes before everything went dark.

When I came to, a cool cloth was pressed against my forehead, and the faint scent of lavender filled the air. I blinked, focusing on the concerned faces of Elena and Vlad hovering above me.

"Kat? You're awake!" Elena exclaimed, relief flooding her features.

Vlad's hand tightened around mine, his touch warm and reassuring. "Easy, Kat. You fainted."

Memories flooded back – the nausea, the taxi ride, the impending meeting with Alexander. Shame washed over me. I think I let my curiosity and desire to help Vlad get the better of me.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled, pushing myself up slightly. "I ruined everything, didn't I?"

Vlad shook his head. "No, not at all. Your health comes first. We can reschedule our meeting with Alexander. Are you feeling okay enough to go home?"

Despite the lingering weakness, a spark of determination ignited within me. Missing this chance to help Vlad was unthinkable. Taking a deep breath, I squeezed his hand. "No. I want to meet him. It's important."

Elena studied me for a moment, then nodded briskly. "Alright, but we'll take it slow. Here, drink some water."

I sipped the cool water, feeling my strength gradually return. With the help of Elena's arm, I managed to stand. The world still felt a little unsteady, but the determination to help Vlad outweighed the dizziness still pooling in my body.

"Let's go," I declared, surprising even my own self with the firmness in my voice.

Together, I made my way with Vlad and Elena to the prearranged location. From time to time Vlad was checking on me making sure I was alright. At times he would hold my hand and he did not care whether Elena was watching. Elena was cheering from behind as if her favorite celebrities had started to date. To be honest we were not even a couple, well at least not yet. This time, the ride was uneventful, the city lights act as a comforting blur. Finally, We reached the discreet building on the quiet side street. Elena led the way once again, her confidence a calming presence. It was as if she was looking forward to meet this Alexander. 

The heavy oak door creaked open, revealing the black-haired man Vlad had described as Alexander. He was a bit shorter than Vlad but much taller than Elena and me. Vlad stood in front. Their eyes met, a shared history reflected in their blue depths. Before introductions could be made, the world spun once more, and darkness claimed you again. This time the trio were so worried and I was already in Vlad's warm embrace fighting my dizziness. 

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