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After weeks of worry, and work, Zedaph, Doc, Grian and Xisuma had managed to reconstruct the portal into secret life.
"We should send in someone Scar trusts" reasoned Xisuma.
Everyone looked at Grian expectantly.
"Alright I'll go." Grian said, stepping forward.
Xisuma nodded.
"Grab some stuff, don't take too long, the portal will only last an hour."
Grian was back at the portal about five minutes later.
"Ready?" Xisuma asked one last time,
"Yup." Grian nodded as he stepped through the portal, feeling queasy as the purple substance enveloped him, pulling him across worlds, Suddenly he popped out the other side and found himself back in the familiar spawn area of secret life.

Scar was nowhere to be seen.

"Scar! Sca-ar?!" Grian called out to no avail.
Grian checked the secret keeper, No Scar.
Where was he? Grian went to trader Scars, Scar wasn't there.
He went to Gem and the Scotts place, Scar wasn't there.
Grian went to the mounders area, Scar. wasn't. there.
A shift in the air caught Grians attention, an electric feeling, one of power and anger. Grian knew this feeling too well.
The watcher magic crackled through the air and sent a shiver down Grians spine.
"Oh no." Grian muttered, how could he forget how the life series worked. Once the season was over, the watchers would overrun the map.

As Grian panicked and looked around, he saw pearls trail of concrete powder, the red dust piles leading into the distance. In the dust was footprints.
Grian followed the trail of powder and footprints until he reached the cave that Pearl had found and put her signs in.
In the corner of the cave, with his head tucked into his knees, was Scar.

"Scar?" Grian's soft words rung through the silent cave, Causing Scar to look up.
The sight of Scar's face made Grian want to cry.
Scar looked like he hadn't slept in days, his cheeks were wet with tears and the usual sparkle of joy that should've been in his green eyes was gone.

"You're just another hallucination. Go away."
Grian was taken aback, Another hallucination?
What was Scar talking about?
Grian reached out an arm, Scar finches away.

"Oh Scar, What happened?"

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