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Hey people so this is the 2nd chapter to the story. I know it is kinda boring right now but I have to present to you guys the character and everything. So yea pretty  much. It will get better, (at least I hope it does) And eventually One Direction will  also be a big part of the story but obviously they werent famous at this time so im not putting them in right now. So yeah thats all and i wouldnt mind if you guys vote and comment.thxs again and continue reading. ♥ ♥ 


~Middle School~

By the time I was in 6th grade I had dated and broken up with Andrew after 3 months. Not too bad for my first boyfriend. Apparently he enjoyed dating 2 girls at once, so I ended it in the spot. I had found him after school in the one of the halls at school with his arm around her. When he saw me he instantly took his arm off and asked me "Didn't you have cheer leading practice today after school?" I got so mad at him and I tried not to but couldn't help screaming "IT WAS CANCELED TODAY IDIOT!! BUT IM GLAD IT WAS SO IT GAVE ME SOME TIME TO BREAK UP WITH YOU!!" I stormed off and after the anger was out I felt crushed. Eventually I got over it, but let's just say that we aren't anywhere near being buddies. He tried to talk to me a few times and I did too but it is too different now.

By the end of the 7th grade I had another boyfriend named Logan. He was perfect at the time. He had deep green eyes, he was tall, funny and was an athlete, He also had long brown hair that reminded me of that You Tube kid Justin Bieber. Which by the way I had still watched every single new video by him. 

I didn't think we would break up that easily. But we did in the first year of High School. Not his fault this time though. It was a kinda stupid and silly reason to break up. But who am I kidding. The minute I found out my Justin got signed and was releasing a new single, I was so happy. I had been with him since the begining and I dont know how to explain it. But I was sure he was the one. I was at Deliah's house (what a surprice) and I was scrolling through her new laptop this time, and I saw it. "OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFFG AHHH!!!" I screamed making Deliah stop what she was saying. "WHAT WHAT WHAT" She screamed with me.

After I explained what had happened, I preordered his debut alnum "My World". Then I texted Logan it was over. We are still best friends, really close. I still like him but not as much as Justin so I told him dating me was off limit. It might sound crazy but that was what led me to reaching my dreams.  So after that I didn't say yes to any guy whose name wasn't Justin Drew Bieber. 


okay thats all for this chapter was short but i promise the nexts ones will be longer and more interesting. 

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