Bankrupt Family

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Father called an emergency estate meeting, every staff member and family member was to meet at the entrance. He had not once in all my life called such a meeting before.

I wonder what it could be about, clearly it's of the upmost importance.

As I arrived at the end of the hall with Brenda, a pale faced father with stepmother clinging to his arm sobbing into his shoulder was an uncomfortable sight. They were standing at the top of the staircase together, I stopped halfway down, facing father, standing near Margaret who was in tears as well. Though it seemed she was crying from witnessing her mother's meltdown.

Brenda quietly but quickly made her way to the bottom of the stairs where everyone else remained, they all had a mixture of confusion, nervousness and excitement throughout their faces.

But it was Butler Fredrick's deflated face that had me feeling nervous, my hands lightly shook.

"I'm afraid I have some terrible news that affects us all".... My father's voice boomed loudly bouncing throughout the area. I didn't miss the way his voice shook, he's nervous.

Affects us all?!... no matter what reason comes to mind, nothing makes sense to me that could effect the entire estate.

"I have received the official letter from the bank, I have no choice but to follow through with bankruptcy"

The Baroness wails out loud another retching sob, the sound itself causes me to flinch before father's words finally register. The sudden shock is heard below in waves followed with nervous chatter amongst themselves.

Margaret runs up the steps embracing both her mother and our father. I stand where I am, hugging isn't something we normally do, it would be strange if I followed my sister's actions.

What does this mean for us now?...

My father raises a hand silencing everyone below.

"Unfortunately I have no choice but to let the majority of you go, Butler Fredrick has the list of names who will remain with us for the time being, I'm so sorry" ...

I gasp in shock of what he's just said but also as I see the tears running down his aged face. The sight of father crying causes my chest to feel as if I'm being stabbed repeatedly, without realizing it, my own tears fall.


"No, no this can't be... not you!"... I sob into Brenda's shoulder as she holds me in the privacy of my bedroom.

Brenda along with many others were not on the small list of names that could stay employed. Father was letting her go.

"Shhh shhh m-my dear, m-my baby".... Brenda's voice shakes as she gently caresses my head, her body trembling as she cry's silently.

A knock on the door startles us both as we momentarily pull apart from one another, Butler Fredrick walks in closing the door behind him. His face looks broken the moment the door shuts behind him.

"Madam Brenda, it is time"... Fredrick's voice shakes slightly causing fresh tears to fall from both Brenda and myself.

I quickly grab onto both of Brenda's elderly hands... "Brenda I need you! I have no one else to talk to you... you are the closest thing to a mother I have left in this world!... please don't leave me!"... Even though I know it's not Brenda's choice to leave, I say the words anyway.

Brenda pulls me into another firm hug, her hands softly rub my back.

"Be strong baby, I will always love you, remember you are perfect just the way you are"...  her grayish blue eyes hold so much love and sadness as she pulls back to gaze at me, her gentle fingers wiping away my tears.

Butler Fredrick lays a hand softly on Brenda's shoulder causing both of us to pull apart and look at him.

"I will miss you Brenda, truly"... his eyes turn glossy as he embraces Brenda in a hug. Something I've never witnessed before from the strict Butler.

"You hold onto our promise to the former Baroness, it's up to you to look after her now"... Brenda sniffles as she wipes her tears away.

"You have my word Brenda"... he nods sadly


Butler Fredrick smiles sadly at me before grabbing Brenda's suitcase, he outstretches his arm for Brenda to take.

I follow them both all the way to the front of our estate, where crying servants are huddled in groups with their bags packed.

The sight is utterly heartbreaking, as I scan around I'm truly disappointed as I don't see father, stepmother or my sister to bid them one last farewell.

Butler Fredrick stands beside me once he released Brenda to one of the crying groups. I clear my throat a few times, attempting to ready myself more than trying to gather everyone's attention.

Butler Fredrick is quick to realize I wish to speak and  successfully addresses the several groups of servants. The silence, besides the constant sniffing is almost suffocating as all eyes are on me.

"Thank you so much for everything, all your hard work did not go unnoticed, I noticed, we were so lucky to have you with us. I truly wish this never happened, may the goddess bless you all with new beginnings and better futures, Farewell" ... with my own words of goodbye, whether they were nice or cruel to me, I force my face to smile best I can, the tears begin to blur my vision but I blink as many times as necessary so that they don't spill over.

I must not cry... I must not cry... noble ladies don't cry... don't cry....

Many thank you's were simultaneously said throughout the groups, some bowed their heads, some curtsied.

The gates down our driveway began to open by two remaining guards. My stomach sank to my feet as my eyes found Brenda holding a young servant girl who was sobbing quietly. Butler Fredrick addressed the group of servants letting them know it was it time for them to leave.

I stayed there outside our front doors with Butler Fredrick as I watched Brenda walk past the gates. My hands covered my mouth as I did my best to muffle my sobs at the sight of our gates closing behind the large group.

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