Becoming familiar

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Like clockwork Killian awoke before the sun had started to rise in the horizon.

Soft snoring and gentle fingertips touching his left forearm grabbed his attention as he turned his head to see an angel sleeping soundly beside him.

He's not sure how long he stayed there unmoving, afraid if he moved he'd somehow ruin this or wake from a dream. He mentally etched her sleeping image into his mind.

As much as he wanted to stay there admiring her, he needed to check the grounds outside and assess the damages from yesterday's surprise attack.

With one last look at his wife, he left to their bedroom to dress for the day. Since he bathed last night he didn't need one this morning.

On his way down he ordered Kira to wait in the hall for his wife to wake and tend to her every need and desire. He also checked with his Butler to make sure his gift for Isabella would be arriving as planned.


As I began to stir awake my hand unconsciously patted the space beside me.

Emptiness..... He left.

Blinking my eyes awake, I turned to gaze out the large window, the sun was rising, I should get up.

As I sat up stretching my limbs I noticed how small this room was compared to his bedroom.

Our bedroom... I reminded myself.

I felt a little guilty but didn't allow myself to linger on those thoughts. Because the truth is, I was grateful he refused to claim me last night. I know I'm not ready to give myself in that way, to him, without it hurting me in some way.

And somehow a part of me wants to believe he won't force me. I want to believe he will wait for me to be ready.

I'm not sure what shifted between us. But I want to believe he is kind.


I found Kira waiting for me right outside the guest bedroom door. I yelped at the sight of her, not expecting to see her right by the door.

We both laughed and greeted one another. Soon she was helping me get ready in one of the few dresses I brought from home.

Kira surprised me by knowing how to do my hair. She claimed she hadn't known how until many of the servants within this castle taught her. Once they heard she was assigned to me, she said she had no choice but to learn everything there was to know in serving a noble lady.

A noble lady... if only she knew I hardly lived like one.

I followed Kira down to the dinning room where the head cook himself presented me with breakfast, I was introduced to the entire kitchen staff as well. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. I was momentarily taken off guard when the head cook asked if I had any food allergies and what I liked or disliked to eat.

It was such simple questions, but I had never been asked before what I liked or didn't like to eat. Back at my family home, I either ate what was served or I didn't eat at all.

After breakfast, Kira took me on a tour of the main castle that we resided in. The bottom floor held a reception room, drawing room, a ball room and the Butlers office. The second floor were partially servant and knights quarters, but not all lived inside the castle. Some chose to live in their own home outside the gate and would come and go everyday. The 3rd floor was dedicated to any guests who stayed in the castle. Kira briefly mentioned how the other two castle buildings had more space to hold guests. Also in case of emergencies and the entire town needed to be within the second gate. They would stay within those two buildings.

The 4th floor was solely dedicated to the Duke and Duchess which held two guest bedrooms with their own bathing rooms, two large offices which each had their own balcony and one small dinning room.

There was one tall tower in this building, Kira pointed out the staircase which was on the 4th floor across from my office. That staircase led to the room of magic, as Kira called it. Magical objects and magic practices normally happened within that tower. She told me never to go up there without The Duke, because the room itself could be dangerous. Magic was not something to be careless with she warned me.

I wasn't sure if Kira was aware or not that I did not possess any powers. Did Killian know?

Killian's office was locked, and according to Kira it always remained locked if the Duke was not inside. The office dedicated to me was very plain but spacious. Kira handed me a key, I was free to do what I wanted with this space, to my hearts content.

So many ideas swan around inside my mind. I would need to think some more, sleep on it. I had never been given the chance to be creative with my own space. Not even with my own bedroom.

I found myself on the balcony connected to my office, the view from up here was amazing. Thankfully there was some cloud coverage today, allowing me to stand outside for a while and admire the view.

Kira pointed out buildings or important areas in the distance. Where festivals were normally held in a large clearing, the farm lands, and the training grounds. I enjoyed the way she talked about this place, you could hear the pride and love she had for it. Giving me hope that I would eventually fall in love with my new home too.

Looking down below at the stone court yard, my eyes spotted a familiar head of dark brown hair. A tall man in a simple black tunic, pants and boots had a small crowd gathered around him. Even from up here you could see how he naturally towered over most men.

I knew just from a glance it was Killian. Soon all eyes were looking up at Kira and I. I shyly waved a silent hello to everyone down below.

Shouts of greetings from the men down below were joyful. I smiled at the sight of Killian returning the small gesture.


I turned around startled as a man who introduced himself as Butler Dean announced the arrival of the seamstress and jeweler who waited for me down in the reception room.

I was quite confused until Kira told me with a smile, it was a gift from The Duke.

According to the Duke, I could pick whatever style I desired and however many I wanted no matter the cost.

I nervously chuckled, as I forced a smile upon my face. I was not accustomed to receiving gifts or knowing how to accept them. At my family's home any time I was given a gift it came with harsh conditions and insults.

I mentally did my best to push aside my past and accept the gift Killian wanted to give me. I must try, it's rude to decline a gift from your husband, no matter how extravagant it may be.

Besides, actual noble ladies expect gifts like beautiful gowns and jewels. I know as a Duchess I'm expected to look the part.

As we make our way down following Butler Dean to the reception room. He announces me as I enter the room, inside stands a man and woman bowing slightly in respect.

My body went rigid, my smile fell from my face as I gazed at the woman in red.

Diana Willow, a known seamstress throughout the big capital and neighboring towns. She was said to be one of the most talented of her time, even designing gowns for the Empress herself.

And she just so happened to be, one of my stepmothers closest friends.

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