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The Duke was in a rageful panic at the sound of his wife's scream. This wind was unnatural, its force was so strong his Captain with the gift of strength couldn't pass through it. The moment Isabella's body fell limp to the floor, the glowing light from her body disappeared and with it, the wall of wind was gone.


Isabella's body remained unconscious for several days, during this time The Duke rarely left her side within their bed chambers. He hardly had an appetite, but he ate enough to keep his strength up. When he did need to step out, Kira and the newest maid to his estate Brenda was to remain at his wife's side.

Davina had fallen unconscious for a single day after the incident. When she woke, she was nearly strangled by the Duke himself but she quickly spoke her theories onto what occurred. The only thing she did know for certain was claiming his wife had great power, she called the incident an awakening. It was rare but not unheard of in the world of magic. Davina was ordered to search through her books and ancient scrolls to find answers about his wife's condition.

But the fact remained, no one could give The Duke a clear answer as to when his wife would awaken. Magic was unpredictable.

The panic swelled in the Duke's heart to an unbearable degree at the sight of his wife laying on their bed, unconscious. At times it felt as if he could not breathe normally, he was restless, sleep did not come to him until exhaustion won. This felt much worse than when he found her in the carriage with a knife wound close to her throat.

It took every ounce of will power to step away from his wife, but the news brought to him by his Captain had rage impulsively moving his feet towards his dungeons.

There, thrown in a cell was none other than Finn Holbrook, who pathetically begged The Duke's Knights for refuge and safety within his walls. He would have been sent away if not for his message claiming The Duchesses life was in danger.

Thoughts of killing Mr. Holbrook in the most painful ways danced around in his mind the closer he was to the dungeons. But he had not forgotten his promise to Isabella, she did not wish for her former family members to die. She was far too good and gentle, this only angered him more knowing the life of neglect she endured by the man currently sitting in his dungeon.


As I approached the cell, the man behind iron bars was dressed in rags that were covered in filth. His hair weighed down by grease and dirt, his skin looked pale even in the limited light.


At the sight of me, Finn Holbrook scurried to the bars, kneeling as he trembled. Eyes pleading for help, but he would not receive any from me.

"You dare to show your face here Finn Holbrook!?"... I grit through my teeth as I reached between the bars grabbing his shirt, yanking him off the ground.

His feet dangled, his hands frantically gripped my own in fear... "p-please! Wait! S-she's in d-danger!!!".. His voice shook pathetically

I growled as I threw him, his body bouncing off the stone walls painfully. My Captain opened the cell door immediately at my signal. My eyes glowed as I called upon the python I left lingering freely within my dungeons a year ago, it enjoys the rats and the thrill of squeezing prisoners to death.

Yesssss masterrrrr .... The fully grown python spoke through our magical connection. The large snake coiled near my boots waiting for my command.

Without taking my eyes off of the trembling man before me, I commanded the snake to wrap around the warm body until I commanded otherwise. The wicked python slithered in glee towards its prey.

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