Chapter 12

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A/N: For the plot, the next few chapters are gonna feature a hell of a lot of football shit, and if you really don't care that much about it, not much happens in this chapter or chapter 13 and 14, but chapter 15 is going to be super important, so if you wanna skip all the football shit, chapter 15 is the one to go to. If you're reading this book as it's getting updated, just stick through it I guess, some stuff will still be happening. 

Derek's POV

One day later... 

Today we're taking a flight to Illinois for our first matchup of the season, and I'm excited. In just a couple days, I'm gonna be playing my first game of college football. This is something I've dreamed about since I first started playing football, and this is something that's finally gonna happen. I've worked for this.

"Alright everyone, make sure you've got everything you need, make sure you've given all your equipment to our equipment manager so he can make sure everything gets on the plane. We are not coming back here until after the game, and that's already in a while. Once we get there, find someone to room with. If you're a freshman or a sophomore, you are most likely staying in a dorm building, and you probably should just room with your dorm roommate. Juniors and seniors have to actually figure their roommate situation out," Coach Nelson says. 

We're on a bus right now on the way to the airport, where a charter plane is waiting for us. We had practice super early in the morning and we all showered and shit, cleaned ourselves up and whatnot, and now we're getting on a plane to Illinois in a few minutes. I've been there a few times, to Chicago, to see family. My grandparents live there. They're also homophobic assholes but I don't know about my father's parents. 

"Aight, so we gotta share a room at the hotel, Derek," DeShaun states and I nod.


"I'm taking the window bed."

"Sure, I don't really care which bed you take, I don't think it matter that much."

"Good. But if you try to take the window bed before me, I will be crashing out and you don't want to see me crash out," DeShaun says.

"Alright bro, I'll make sure not to take the window bed."

"Good. Thank you," DeShaun says, his voice completely changing back to his normal chill voice instead of his angry voice. 

We get to the airport, go straight to the tarmac and go through the pop up TSA check thing, all of us going through clean except for Jax, who didn't realize he had to take his phone out of his pocket. For some reason, I have a feeling this is the first time he's gone through TSA because his family is so rich. Kai knew what to do, I don't know why Jax didn't. 

"That's my bad guys, I didn't realize I had to take my phone out," Jax states, apologizing to everyone for a really miniscule thing that really doesn't matter that much. I don't care, it didn't drain time we could've used to do something else, we just got on the plane a minute later than we could've. 

Me and DeShaun go straight to the back of the plane, which is not the best decision. The turbulence in the back of planes is much worse than it is in the front of the plane, but we can handle it. There's much more leg space on this plane than a normal commercial plane, so if I need to I can just stretch out and get more comfortable. I'm 6'3, and I'm still growing, I need as much leg space as possible. There's also seats that face both ways, and I'm facing away from the direction we're going in.

"So, you think we're gonna win?" DeShaun asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know. I think this game is really gonna show us where we are as a team, what we need to work on, all that shit. I might have a better idea of if we're gonna win or not in the next game, when we already know our skill levels compared to other college players."

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