Chapter 9

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Adrian's POV

"So, where should we go for lunch?" Julian asks and I shrug. I really don't care where we go as long as I can look at him while we eat. My type is usually dirty blondes like Derek, but I would make an exception for Julian. His hair is quite honestly perfect, with that natural curls and everything. 

"I don't know, anywhere is fine," I state and he thinks for a moment. 

"We could go to Chipotle if you're cool with that," he says. I like Chipotle.

"Sure, that would be great."

"I'll pay for you if you want," he states.

"Really? Thanks, man." 

Is this about to be a date? I've never been on a date I don't know how to act. I feel like I'm gonna be super fucking awkward and not know what to say. He asked me to lunch out of nowhere and I'm not even wearing remotely nice clothes. He has a crewneck sweater and half decent pants. He probably planned this. I'm wearing athletic shorts and a Lakers hoodie. I'm not dressed for a date right now. 

What am I even thinking right now? We're going to fucking Chipotle, not a super fancy restaurant. I'll be fine, but I might need to change what I'm wearing around Julian in case he asks me on a super random date out of nowhere. 

We get to Chipotle, which is one of my favorite restaurants. Mexican food is always good and it has a good amount of protein. I've been keeping track of my protein intake because I need to be eating a hell of a lot of it during the football season. That means I have to get even more protein powder, protein bars, all of that shit. I don't love eating a lot of meat. Meat as in animal products, not dick. I might like eating dick but I've just never tried it before so I wouldn't know. 

Me and Julian both order our shit and find a place to sit. It's relatively empty which is surprising. I would've thought that Chipotle is swimming with college students, but I guess not right now. 

"So, tell me more about yourself, Adrian," Julian says.

"What do you want to know about me?"

"I don't know. It doesn't matter, just tell me about yourself."

"You have to tell me about yourself after because I don't know that much about you either," I say and he nods.

"Yeah, I'll tell you more about myself, no problem."

"Cool. Well, I've lived here in LA all my life, I love it here. I haven't been to a place that I would rather be than here to be honest. I started playing football pretty early on in my life, because my parents wanted me to be an athlete when I grew up. I'm not complaining, I'd say I'm a great athlete. Anyways, I was always one of the best players in those little kid football leagues, along with my best friends, Cameron and Devin, who you know now."

I still remember those games. I used to play runningback and I hated playing runningback, I was just really fast. Cameron was always a quarterback if I remember right, and Devin put on a hell of a lot of muscle so he could play linebacker instead of cornerback. I'm glad I'm a safety now, because it takes less energy than being a cornerback or a runningback.

"We grew up together, and we were completely inseparable. Fast forward to high school, we all go together, our positions in the game switched up a little, but we were still the best players on the team. Devin is still the best player in our friend group by a mile, he is dominant by the way. In our sophomore years, we were all put onto the varsity team, as well as Aaron and DeShaun as well as the new kid, Derek. At the end of that year, Cam and Aaron hated each other already despite the fact that Aaron wasn't even starting yet. They despised each other and it was really crazy to see," I state. 

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