Chapter 5

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A/N: Alright, I am not going to cut smut out of books completely. I will limit the amount though. From now on, unless I come up with a good idea that involves hella smut (*insert bxb trop* with benefits), there will not be more than 4 smut scenes. I don't like spoiling things (actually I do I can't just keep my ideas to myself) but here's what I will confirm for any future books. There will be one switch scene in every book I write. It's just fun. If I really decide that more smut is better for a plot, I will go with that, but the way this book is going to go there will be at least 2 smut scenes, more likely 3. Anyways, thanks for reading!!!

Derek's POV 

Adrian noticed I had been staring at him for a couple minutes.

I couldn't really help it. He's attractive obviously. Like, super attractive type shit. That's not all the reason I was staring at him. Seeing him be proud of his sexuality is something that I wish I could be proud of. I don't know if he might be facing hate because of it, but if he is, he's hiding that from everyone else pretty well. He still has a pretty smile on his face most of the time, and he's talking to Kai's friend Julian about the pride club.

I wish I was proud of my sexuality because God knows I'm not and I can't be. I'd just be shamed by my mom who hates gay people so much. I really hate that. I wish I could just be open about everything in my life. 

I'm gonna try to keep putting on my straight persona and making sure that Adrian isn't gonna out me, but I don't want to still. He's such a good person and it's not his fault that he had to walk in on me fucking that one random. 

We continue to surf for around 1 more hour, and then we all just sit down in the beach with Kai's friends. They're all a year older than us and they all go to UCLA as well. 

"Hey, nice to meet you, Derek, right?" Julian walks up to me, shaking my hand.

I smile at him kind of and shake his hand back. "Yeah. I'm Derek. You're Julian, right?"

"Yeah. It's great to meet you. You're the only one out of all of them that was a decent surfer. Have you surfed before?" he asks me, sitting down next to me.

"No. I haven't surfed before. I don't know what it was, I guess it was just natural," I answer. 

"That's pretty cool. I might see you around UCLA, but maybe not often because I'm a year older than you guys so we'll probably take different classes."

"Yeah. I'll see you around hopefully."

He's pretty cool. He's also hot as fuck. I don't love guys with black hair that much, but he is on a different level of fine. I like guys with brown hair or blonde hair, but black hair is a little too dark of hair for me. 

Clearly, Adrian and Julian are getting along well. I kind of have a feeling that they like each other. They're definitely into each other actually, there should be no doubt about that. Adrian seems tense, and I know people get tense around people they are attracted to. Julian is kind of blatantly flirting with him too, he's definitely into Adrian. 

We all go back inside and I take a nap which I kind of needed. It was so fucking hot outside but I got my tan up even better. I'm glad Kai and Jax have the air conditioner on full blast in here, because otherwise it would be hell. I love California, but I don't love how fucking hot it gets in the summer. At least it's more of a dry heat instead of a humid heat like it was in Boston. That shit was complete hell for me. 

When I wake up from my nap, my head is hurting like crazy. "Fuck," I say to myself under my breath. This shit is uncomfortable as hell. I need to fucking get water right now. I hate headaches because I basically can't function for a few hours after getting one. 

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