Chapter 14

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Adrian's POV

5 days later...

Today we've got a pride club, I'm gonna try to talk to Damian about trying to get Derek to not hate me anymore. I think Julian gave me good advice when he told me to just try to talk to him, but I don't want to talk to Derek. I tried to ask him what his problem is, but he just changed the subject. I think I know why he hates me, that being that I know something he has tried to hide from other people, but he should be able to trust me. 

I won't out him. I would never just tell people someone's deepest secret. If he so clearly wanted the fact that he's gay secret, then I have no right telling people that he's gay. That's up to him. If he wants to come out, then I won't stop him. If he doesn't want to come out, then I won't stop him. It's his decision. I hope he can figure that out. 

I'm walking to the building it's in right now, not with Julian because he said he would be there early. I'm liking UCLA so far, the overall vibes of the place are taking my mind off of the homophobes that are still blowing up my social media private messaging. I should really stop looking, but my curiosity will always be the death of me. Like I've said, if I see a notification go off on my phone, I'm always so quick to check it because that's how dry my life is. 

I step into the room, and it's relatively empty except for Damian and Julian, who are sitting at a table together, talking to each other and laughing. They would lowkey work as a couple if they tried. They're both fun people, I feel like Damian's a little bit laid back and shy, and Julian is a very social person. Their personalities would meet in the middle and they would be good for each other. 

"Hey guys," I say, sitting down and dapping both of them up.

"Hey Adrian. How you been?" Damian asks.

"Good, how bout you?"

"Eh, I've been alright. I had a date with a guy a few days ago, it was alright. I barely ever put myself out there, I'm usually just waiting, but I just decided to do this and he said yes, so I went on a date with him. It was just okay, I asked him on another date, but I don't know if this will work out."

"Even if it doesn't, you'll find your person at some point, Damian. You're a great guy," Julian states and Damian smiles at him.

"Thanks. I feel like I did find my person in high school, but that didn't work, so I just need to find someone like him, and that's when I know I've finally found the person I really want in my life."

"That'll happen soon, trust me," I state.


"Damian, could I talk to you alone for a sec?" I ask. 

"Yeah, no problem."

"Sorry Julian, I just need to talk to him, it's important."

"No problem."

Julian moves to another table, leaving me and Damian sitting alone so I can talk to him about Derek. He's the only other person that knows that Derek's gay, so he's kind of the only person I can really talk to about this.

"This is about Derek by the way. He's still being a complete dick to me, probably even worse now that I didn't play well in the first game of the season. I don't want to talk to him, because I did try to talk to him and it didn't work. I don't really know what to do at this point. Could you, as a favor, try to talk to him for me?" I ask and Damian shrugs.

"You want me to tell him to not be a dick to you?" he asks and I nod.

"If that's alright with you obviously. You're the only other person that knows that he's gay, so I feel like it would be easier for you to talk to him. I don't know why he has a problem with me knowing, but he's fine with you knowing."

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