Chapter 1- Where it All Began

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Lucas POV

I leaned against the lockers, as I do everyday, waiting for my girlfriend, Riley. I had been waiting here for about 5 minutes when I started to wonder where she was.

"Ranger Rick!" I heard a female voice behind me that I've learned to recognize as Maya Hart.

"Clutterbucket," I threw back, wearing the smirk that I always wear when I call Maya anything other than her birth name.

She roles her eyes. "Riles isn't going to at school today," she signs, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her shorts.

I didn't really have a reaction, and Maya must have noticed because she continued with," Geez, don't get too upset. She's out sick. Poor thing has a fever of 102, throwing up all of the place." She made this cute little disgusted face. I laughed.

"Well, I guess it's just us and Farkle today," I turn around, heading towards my locker down the hall. I feel bad. Should I have shown more remorse for Riley?

As I walk, deep in thought, Maya runs up to my left, trying to catch up. "I forgot," she pauses," Farkles at a business thing with his dad all week." Oh, I think. As a matter of fact, I wasn't complaining at all. I secretly had a thing for the blond rebel.

I know what you're thinking; But Lucas, what about Riley? I do really like Riley, I do. But recently I just don't feel the same spark I used to back in Middle School. So, as a result, I've learned to enjoy the playful banter between the Blond Beauty and I. I think it's her way of flirting, just she doesn't realize it yet.

"That's a shame, now you're going to have to deal with me all day," I poke her in the shoulder, receiving a glare. "You should know I'm not as bad as you think," I added, shrugging.

"Don't be so flattering to yourself," she scoffs. We reach the Art room, setting down our stuff at our desk.

"Mr.Friar, Ms.Hart," our art teacher, Mrs.Ernst, greeted us. "You're late."

"So?" Maya questions, sitting down next to me. I have to admit, I admire the way she takes things like this so coolly.

"As I was saying..." Mrs.Ernst continues, ignoring the backtalk she was receiving from her student. At this point, I completely zone out as I watch the gorgeous Maya Hart swiftly pull out her sketch pad and begin drawing God knows what.

As I sit there, staring at her features as she concentrates on her art, I realize something that I normally don't like to dwell on. I like Maya. This doesn't sound right. Who am I kidding, I love Maya Hart. That's more like it.

        *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    Well, there you go, your first chapter of "The Secret Love". Going to be honest, not a fan of this chapter myself, but that maybe just me, I don't know. I will try to update at least once a week, but don't count on that. If you have any suggestions, don't be hesitant to tell me!

Love ya'll -Lucy

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