Chapter 2- Keeping it Low Key

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Lucas POV

"Earth to Ranger Rick," Maya repeated for the second time. I heard her mumble to herself something about her usually being the one to fall asleep in class. I had finally looked up when she picked up her stuff and started drifting towards the door.

"Jesus, this was going to be harder than I thought," I mumbled to myself as I pick up my stuff books. I walk over to her, still drowning in my thoughts.

"'Bout time. For a second I thought you were dead," she joked. I chuckled lightly.

"You wish." We continued on like this until we reached Mr.Matthews' room. "You did the homework, right?" I asked as we sat down.

"Do you even know me? Of course I didn't," she scoffed, setting her stuff down.

I sighed in defeat as Mr.Matthews stalked into the room, dragging his feet.

"Are you alright sir?" I asked politely, genuinely caring about his health.

"Don't worry about me," he paused to take a breath,"Riley kept us up all last night." He yawned, laying his head on the desk.

Maya leaned back and whispered to me,"What's with all these people sleeping in class?" I chuckled.

He suddenly shot up from his chair, startling many of us, and started writing on the blackboard. It read," The Great Depression."

"Because Farkle isn't here today, you all with actually have to answer some questions," he smirked with tired eyes. We all groaned in annoyance. "Ah, boo you," he dismissed our complaints.

"Ms.Hart," he began, glancing at the blond in front of me. "Define 'Depression'."

She froze. Not only was she not used to getting called on, but this was a touchy subject for her. "Um..." She paused, not knowing how to put her thoughts into words. "Depression is a condition of which you are filled with so much hopelessness and sadness that it over takes your life." She looked down.

Mr.Matthews beamed. I looked at her with sad eyes.

Recently, in freshman year, Katy had gone through a financial crisis. As a result, Maya lost many things, including time with her family in friends. It only expanded the cracks of her broken soul. (AN- Geez, that was deep, even for me)

"Well done Ms.Hart," he spoke up, trying to avoid an awkward silence that was almost inevitable.

As he droned on about the Great Depression, I found myself, for the second time that day, staring at Maya's long golden locks. I thought about how I was going to keep my feelings a secret, and ended up having a mental battle with myself.

You need to tell her!
But if I do, Riley will hate me.
So, Maya and Riley are best friends, she'll hate me too.
Keep it simple, let Riley go easy, then just tell Maya how you feel.
You act like it's the easiest thing in the world.

I snapped out of my phase by the bell.

I have to do something soon. If not, there's going to be a problem...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 2: DONE!
In my opinion, that was a much better chapter.
But anywho, what'd you think? Don't be afraid to express your opinions in the comments!
Love ya- Lucy

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