Chapter 8- I Never Meant to Hurt You

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Riley's POV

"Peaches," the blond beauty spoke softly. She sat in our bay window, wearing a NYC sweatshirt and traces of tears. She was shivering from the open window, a cold October wind blowing through the hair of my best friend. "I'm so sorry," she quietly sobbed.

I sighed, walking toward my window to shut it. Maya watched my every step, making me feel subconscious about my movements. After the draft left, I sat beside her, leaving a good foot between us.

"I know." I don't face Maya, but I speak to her as I eye a picture of us sitting on my nightstand.

"Aren't you mad? You should be yelling at me right now! I kissed your boyfriend for God's sake!" she threw her hands up, exasperated. 

I wanted to yell right back. Tell her that what she did made me furious, not just mad. But I knew if I did that, I would lose her. And I can't lose her, not now.

"You know what you did is wrong, and I appreciate that," I rationalize. "I just need to know why."

Maya burst into tears, similarly to what I had done before. "I never meant for it to go this far," she howled, reaching for my grasp. I held on to her. "I never knew falling in love would hurt so much."

I'm never letting go. Promise.

I knew she had dodged the question, but I decided to let it slide and try to get her in a better mood before I brought it up again. I continued to hold on to her, let her soak the shoulder of my sweater.

"I never meant to hurt you," Maya spoke at last, wiping off the mascara off her cheeks, leaving a black mark on her sweatshirt. She stands up, picking up the picture I had been looking at earlier. 

"I remember the day we took that picture," I mutter, recalling a day years ago. "We just finished elementary school. That was the day we made the promise of always staying best friends. Never let anything or anyone get in between us."

"I guess we didn't do a very good job of keeping that promise, did we?" Maya chuckles, still letting out the occasional tear. 

"Why can't things be that simple, like when we were younger? When boys weren't even a factor in our decisions. You know, besides Farkle," we both smile at that last comment, then bursting out in laughter as we look at the picture again. Farkle was is the top right corner, slightly blurry, smiling his little heart out.  

"Let's try again. I promise, by the silver rings we were to symbolize our friendship, to not let anything come between us, not even boys." Maya vowed, holding out her hand.

I smile widely," I promise." I skip her hand and pull her in for tight embrace. 

Maya's POV

Our hug was quickly interrupted by someone clearing their throat at Riley's doorway. I look up to see Mr.Matthews smiling at us, but then his demeanor changes as he speaks. "Maya there's someone here to see you."

"Me?" I question him. 

"Yes," Mr.Matthews nods. He doesn't seem to excited about this visitor. 

I look over at Riley and she shrugs. I look back to the strait faced father and follow him into the front room. At this point, I'm still confused as to who could be visiting me while I'm at the Matthews.

Upon seeing my visitor, Riley is the first to react. She simply walks up to him and slaps him. And slams the door in his face. I stare in disbelief at the normally nonviolent girl. Riley shrugs.

"I need to face him at one point, mine as well be now," I sigh, walking over to the door. My hand hovers over the doorknob before I hesitantly turn it.

I face the boy I've fallen in love with and shut the door behind me so Riley can't see what's going on.

"Maya I-" Lucas is cut off by my lips as I jump up to match his height. Started by my actions, he steps back but soon matches my intensity. Cut off by the need for air, I step back.

"God. I love you so much."


Tada! A bit of a twist at the end of this chapter.

In my opinion, one of my better chapter, but far from best. Still like it though. So what'd you guys think? I would love to hear what you think in the comments. 

Ok, so that focused on Maya mending her relationship with Riley, but that doesn't been Riley had completely forgiven her yet, right? And Lucas isn't exactly in good terms with her either, they are technically still dating after all. Oops, I've said to much, maybe you'll have to wait for the next chapter.

Do you guys have any song recommendations? I've been trying to find some new music, but have not yet prevailed. If you find any good songs, don't hesitate to let me know.


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