Chapter 6- Riley, I-

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Maya's POV

I woke up with a cold sweat, immediately sitting up.

Another nightmare.

To be honest, I don't really remember what it's about, until all the memories from yesterday come flooding back into my mind.

I notice that I'm covered in a blanket. This struck me as odd, considering that I could have sworn that I didn't fall asleep with that. I also take note that my books are sitting on my desk.

When did this happen?

I grab my phone off my side table to check if Lucas tried to contact me after what happened. But out of the 5 new text messages, only one was from Lucas.

Hey! I haven't thrown up for 2 hours, new record!

My dad said you had detention. Stop by after you get out

Heeeellllloooooo??? Anyone home???

I'm going to school tomorrow, don't forget to pick me up.

All four of them were from Riley. I feel terrible, she needed me and I wasn't there. I'm a terrible friend.

The last one was from Lucas.

I dropped off your books. Also, Riley's expecting you to pick her up tomorrow.

I choose to only respond to Riley's texts, knowing that she was probably tired of my carelessness of my friends.

Sorry, I was really tired so I went strait home. Ill be over at about 7

I was still in my cloths from yesterday, so I decided to change into some sweats, knowing I didn't have a lot of time. I left my hair as it was and rushed out the door, grabbing my books on the way out.

"It's Maya."

"Come on up!" I hear Riley's voice, sounding as good as new.

I walk into the Matthews apartment, immediately being sat down at their table, a bowl at oatmeal being shoved in front of me.

"Eat," Topanga commands.

I decide not to push my luck today and shove the oatmeal filled spoon into my mouth.

"Hey Maya," Riley chimes, walking into the room.

"Hey Riles," I smile, taking a moment to swallow my food. "You seem to be feeling better."

"Yep! Barf free for 12 hours!" She announced proudly.

"Time to go girls!" Topanga takes the bowl and pushes us outside the door. "Have a good day!"

I stumbled out the door. "What's up with her?" I ask as we start walking to the elevator.

"She has a big case today. If you can't tell, she's really nervous," she shrugs.

Once we reached the school, my heart started racing. I realized everything was going to be really awkward between Lucas and I. Especially that I had to hang around Riley, who was going to be all lovey-dovey around him.

Riley had evidently found Lucas, as she had run up to Lucas yelling, "Lukey!" His back was turned toward us, so when she jumped on his back, Lucas immediately fell over.

"What the-" Lucas turned around, seeing his girlfriend. He plastered a fake smile on his face. "Oh, hey Riles. Feeling better?" He got up, reaching hand out towards Riley who was still on the ground.

"Of course!" she bubbled. She hopped up and gave Lucas a peck.

I felt tingly. My hand clenched as a fought the urge to punch Farkle.

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