Beyond Stars {Chapter 18}

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The next morning, I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, their melodies a stark contrast to the turmoil within me.

Downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, drawing me to the kitchen where my mom stood, humming softly as she prepared breakfast. Seeing her there, so grounded and unwavering, brought a sense of normalcy that I desperately needed.

"Morning, chico," she greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I made your favorite – waffles."

I returned her smile, feeling a glimmer of gratitude. "Thanks, Mom. You didn't have to."

She waved off my words, placing a plate in front of me. "Nonsense. Sit, eat. We both need the energy."

As I took a bite, savoring the familiar sweetness, my mind drifted back to Cassidy and our explosive argument. The pain was still fresh, a raw wound that throbbed with every thought of her.

"Mom," I began hesitantly, "do you think... Cassidy and I can fix this?"

She looked at me thoughtfully, her gaze steady. "Relationships are hard, Andrew. Especially after such a tragedy. But if there's love, there's always a chance. Give her time. Give yourself time too."

Her words settled over me like a balm, soothing the jagged edges of my grief. We ate in companionable silence, the simple act of sharing a meal grounding me in the present.

After breakfast, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.

As I walked, I found myself at the local park, a place where Cassidy and I had spent countless afternoons together. The memories were bittersweet.

In the distance, I spotted Leia sitting on a bench, her presence both unexpected and comforting.

Taking a deep breath, I approached her. "Leia," I called out softly, my voice tinged with both hope and apprehension.

She looked up, surprise flickering across her face before she smirked. "What are you, stalking me now, weirdo?" she teased, her tone light and familiar.

I couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Yeah, you caught me. Professional stalker at your service."

She patted the bench beside her. "Well, come sit then. Might as well get comfy, stalker."

I sat down, the bench creaking slightly under our combined weight. The park was peaceful, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the landscape. Children played nearby, their laughter a pleasant backdrop to our conversation.

"Listen," I began, turning to face her, "I wanted to apologize for how Cassidy snapped at you. She was going through a lot, but it wasn't fair to you."

Leia sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and sadness. "I don't understand why she was so threatened by our friendship. We've only been friends for a short time."

"I know," I said earnestly. "I guess it was just an insecurity she could never shake. She was dealing with so much pain, and I think she felt like she was losing everything. But we've broken up now, so... yeah."

Leia's eyes met mine, her nonchalant gaze turning soft and comforting. "What happened? Are you okay?"

I looked down at my hands, tracing the lines on my palms. "It's complicated. After we lost the baby, everything just fell apart. We couldn't communicate without it turning into a fight. She was hurting so much, and I was too, but we were dealing with it in different ways. It was like we were speaking different fucking languages."

Leia nodded, her expression sympathetic. "Grief does that. It changes people, and sometimes it drives a wedge between them. But it sounds like you both tried."

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