Ultimatum {Chapter 23}

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The next morning began with Cassidy and me cooking breakfast together in matching aprons adorned with quirky food-themed patterns. Sunlight streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over the room as we bustled around the stove, exchanging playful banter.

As we chopped vegetables and cracked eggs into a sizzling pan, I couldn't help but notice the familiar comfort of being in Cassidy's company. It felt like home.

Midway through flipping pancakes, I remembered I still had some clothes left over at her, which was a pleasant surprise. I reached into her closet and pulled out a white tank top and some grey shorts, opting for casual comfort.

Cassidy emerged from her room, wearing the same outfit, except her shorts were cut-off denim that showcased her sun-kissed legs. I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly beautiful she looked, even in the simplest of attire. Those shorts had always been a favorite of mine.

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, we settled down at the cozy breakfast nook, enjoying our meal together amidst laughter and shared stories, savoring the simple joy of being together.

I checked my phone while sipping my coffee, and there were notifications from Leia.

"we need to talk"
"dont avoid this. thanks andrew"

Jesus, I could feel the sarcasm radiating through the phone. But I did owe her an apology, an explanation.

"Fuck," I thought, This complicates things. I know Cassidy will want Leia out of my life if we get back together, but I don't know if I want that. I do really love Cassidy, but my feelings for Leia... they're very much there.

Cassidy, her fork pausing mid-air as she swallowed a bite of her pancake, observed me intently. "What's on your mind?"

I sighed, feeling nervous. I didn't want to lie, that isn't a good way to possibly restart our relationship.

"Leia texted me," I admitted, looking down at my plate and picking at my food.

"Oh?" Her tone was guarded, her eyes searching mine, "what did she say?"

"She just wants to talk."

A flicker of jealousy danced across Cassidy's face, her voice tinged with accusation as she leaned forward, "You had sex with Leia, didn't you?"

"Cassidy- I-"

"Save it," she interjected, her tone firm yet strangely casual. "Plus, it wouldn't be fair for me to be mad at you when I slept with Aaron while we were broken up."

I dropped my fork, anger surging through me. This was entirely different. "Excuse me... what?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Like I said, when we broke up, I didn't cheat or anything, so don't go getting mad at me, hypocrite."

I buried my face in my hands, struggling to contain my frustration. "Cassidy, this is a completely different situation."

She chuckled and smirked at me, as though finding the whole thing amusing. "How so?"

"Aaron's your ex – someone you kept in contact with while we were together. Don't I have a reason to be upset?" I retorted firmly.

She nodded, taking a bite of her pancake. "I mean, yeah, but, it is what it is. Besides, I ended things with him yesterday for you. I want to give us another shot. All you have to do is cut ties with Leia. Simple, right?" She flashed a smug grin.

With that, she rose from the table, gathering her plate and mug and heading to the sink to wash them.

I stood beside her, setting my dishes down next to hers. "I'm going to go talk to Leia. I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay," she replied warmly, her tone almost suggesting she knew what decision I was leaning towards.

I grabbed my car keys and headed to Leia's house, nerves twisting in my stomach with every step.

I pulled up to her house and rapped on the front door, my knuckles echoing through the quiet neighborhood. Moments later, Leia swung the door open, her hair gathered in a loose, messy bun atop her head, strands escaping to frame her face. She was dressed in a cozy Bryson Tiller sweatshirt that engulfed her petite frame, paired with black ripped shorts.

"Hi," she greeted me nonchalantly, leaning against the doorframe with a faint hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Hey," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nervous flutter in my chest. "Let's talk."

Leia moved aside, gesturing for me to enter as she walked comfortably to her couch and plopped down, pausing her show with a deft flick of the remote. "Thanks for showing up. Sorry not sorry for ghosting you, but you low-key deserved it."

I sighed heavily, sinking into the cushions beside her as my head leaned back against the soft fabric of her couch. "I know. I'm an asshole, and I'm truly sorry, Leia."

Leia glanced at me, her expression softening slightly as she studied my face. "You hurt me, you know that?"

"I do," I admitted, my gaze fixed on the ceiling as I struggled to find the right words. "And I hate myself for it. I never wanted to hurt you."

There was a heavy silence between us, punctuated only by the muffled sounds of the TV in the background.

"Of all people, I never expected a fucking loser to hurt me," she laughed, masking her true emotions.


She interrupted me before I could respond. "No, let me finish," she said, turning to face me directly. "Andrew, I've never been a vulnerable person. I hate talking about my feelings, but with you, that feeling is gone. I like who I was with you."

I listened intently, my heart heavy with regret and emotion, allowing her to continue.

Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke, her voice trembling with raw honesty. "You've made me a better person, a kinder person. I don't know how, but you have."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, her words hesitant yet filled with conviction. "I love you, Andrew. But, I'm leaving the state. I'm going to Chicago, to live with my dad and attend college. I want you to come with me," she said, placing her hand gently on my face.

"My dad is almost never home, and he wouldn't mind your company. We could go to college together, and maybe start a relationship. I don't know... just give me your thoughts, okay?"

I froze, caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Leia... this is a big decision. I don't even know where to begin. My family's here, everyone's here."

She pulled back slightly, her hands retreating to her lap. "You don't have to decide now, but I'd like to know by the end of the week."

With that, we exchanged simple goodbyes, and as I walked out of her door, my mind was clouded with uncertainty. I realized I'd have to make a choice between Cassidy and Leia. It didn't feel right, but it seemed only fair.

Sitting at a red light, lost in thought, my phone buzzed with a text from Cassidy. I glanced down to see a long paragraph, her words a mix of reassurance and vulnerability.

"andrew, i promise to be better, to not lash out, and to give you the patience you've always deserved. i know i haven't said ily back yet, but i will. i jus want you with me"

As I sat there, staring at Cassidy's message, a wave of guilt washed over me. Both Cassidy and Leia deserved honesty and clarity, but I was torn between them.

The traffic light turned green, but I remained still, lost in thought. How could I make such a monumental decision? My heart felt heavy with the weight of it all.

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