ΩChapter Two: Hinata's POVΩ

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Hinata's POV:
Scene: The host club is currently crowded around Hinata, in Music Room 3.

Wow. I actually didn't think Kyoya would be part of this. He looks more like a manager.

  What was I doing? Oh yeah, the pictures. I opened my photo's and it went to a picture of me cosplaying. "Oh. So we don't have to convince her to cosplay with us!" Tamaki- is that his name?- said.

"Yeah I cosplay a lot. My mom helps me with them. Like on business trips in her free time she would send pictures and--" Hinata, don't get carried away.

"And what?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.

"Oh. Well its not so interesting, but she would send design pictures and sew it and help me style my hair once she got back." I said. My mom is some where in Indonesia by now.

"Um....anyways...." I said, swiping through some pictures. First one was a picture of me in a light pink dress, with my hair down to my butt. The next was me in Kyoya's extra school uniform, my hair all cut. I stood next to Kyoya doing a tough guy pose, and Kyoya, pushing up his glasses.

"Who is that guy next to Kyoya senpai?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.

"You morons, its Hinata." Tamaki said. I looked at Mori senpai and wanted to see his expression. He never talked so far. He was a little amused. Well its a start.

The next picture was my hair, light cherry blossom pink. I wore a black t shirt and red jeans and black Nike's. I used to binder my breats at one point. Next picture I had the same hair, but I wore a black sundress and smiled. The next picture was my hair above my chest, and I wore Kyoya's extra middle school uniform. He wasn't in the picture, because I haven't seen him since the year before that, in middle school. He let me keep his uniform because it was his last year.

"Not so much a guy then, huh?" I asked. Everyone nodded. Then I turned off my phone. "Also now. My hair is going to be longer than last time! I can feel it!" I said, smiling. I swiped my bangs.

"Ack! We got so carried away! We have to open the club!" Tamaki said.

Meanwhile, everyone was doing last minute things, but Hikaru and Kaoru gave devilish smiles to eachother.

"So. You cosplay, huh." Hikaru asked taking synchronized steps forward, towards me.

"Yeah." I said. Where is this going? And why?

"Have you ever done cat maid cosplay?" they asked together.

"We are kind of curious. That other cosplay," Kaoru started.

"Was nice." Hikaru finished. I rolled my eyes. "Can you just give me my character type instead. I never got an answer." I yelled, hoping to get the others attention. Nope.

"You'll be....not a character type. We'll just call you our toy." They said. Oh jeez.

"Hell naw." I said. They nodded yes over and over. "No. Don't. Please. Spare me my life." I said, my voice getting higher.

All of a sudden I saw someone pick them both up by the back of tne collar and take them to the door.

"We have business to take care of. Miss Akiyama will start tomorrow. We need time to think of her type." Kyoya said.

"You didn't know my type, yet I still had to start." Haruhi said.

"That was different. Your a host. She is just...." Kyoya's voice trailed off. "She is just going to be around." He pushed up his glasses.

The hosts got in place. They opened the door and wind blew against them. Rose petals and glitter flew out the door. What the hell? Where did that--

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