ΩChapter Thirteen: Kyoya's POVΩ

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Book of Secrets
Hobbies: Sewing, Cosplay, Talking, Basketball(?), Running

Kyoya's POV

Did I mean what I said to Hinata?

When I say I care, is that true? Before I used to care, because my future wasn't on the line.

But the look in her eyes. The look in her eyes is the look of true care.

And why did I say together forever?

Why did she say forever is too short? I know she did. Her whispering skills are nothing to be jealous about.

"Did you rest well? You gave Tamaki and I quite a scare."

"Sorry. My stomach made me feel like crap." She said. "I'm sorry."

"No its quite okay. I don't have to pay anyone anything."

"Where is everyone?"

"Probably heading home. Its been a few hours."

She shot right up. "Hours?!"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Its too dark to walk isn't it?" She asked.

I got up too and sat with her. "Yes. Why? You can send for a car, can't you?"

"No. They are all away for vacation." Hinata groaned. "Just fabulous."

"So ask your father to come get you." Our heads whipped at the doorway. The twins stood there smiling. The rest of the host club was also there.

"Wow. I remember when this happened. Is it happening again?" the twins grinned.

"Come on you guys we aren't hooki--"

"We did everything your not supposed to do before marriage. " I said.

"WHAAAAAT?" Tamaki screamed.

"Keep it down my head aches. Don't listen to him we didn't do anything a loving father would dissaprove of." She smiled.

"We were quite worried." Tamaki said sitting on the other side of Hinata.

"Aw its okay!" She gave Tamaki a hug. Tamaki grinned at Haruhi.

"Wouldn't you like a hug like thi--"

"Shut up senpai. I have homework." Haruhi said. "Sorry I'm going to be late for cooking supper. Feel better Hinata senpai."

"Thanks Haruhi! Later!" Hinata said. Haruhi ran out of the room.

Hikaru and Kaoru pushed Tamaki off the bed. "We were all worried about you Hinata." Hikaru said.

"Yeah. Tamaki said not to go but we really wanted to." Kaoru said.

"Me and Takashi brought cake." Honey senpai said grinning.

Hinata turned green and her stomach grumbled. "I'm good." She said smiling. Cake is the last thing she wants.

And withen a second the cake was gone.

"But about getting a ride why don't you ask your dad?" The twins asked.

"He left this morning and mom is coming home tomorrow." Hinata said.

"So your home." Hikaru started.

"Alone?" Kaoru ended.

"Yep." Hinata said. I knew the twins thought that being home alone with nobody not even maids there was spooky.

"We can have a sleepover Hina chan!" Honey senpai said.

Is he kidding?

"No I need to sleep. Sorry Honey senpai!"

"I'll just give you a ride home." I said.

"Oh its okay--"

"I said I'll give you a ride home." I repeated. I would like to know everything about your business.

I would love to meet your father again.

I shook that thought away. Not yet.

"Thanks Kyoya! And to think everyone things your a money grubber!" She said.

"Oh really?" I said raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes at the twins and Tamaki who hid behind Mori senpai.

"Hey wouldn't you think Renge would be jealous?" Hikaru asked.

"No. She's in love with Haruhi now." Kaoru said.

Hinata started laughing. "Oh my gosh! Oh poor Haruhi!"

Tamaki put his hand on his chest, the wind blowing in his hair. "Yes. My poor little girl."

I got a text. The car is in the front of the south building.

"Hinata. We have to go." I said. Another awkward car ride.

She nodded and got up. "Thanks for visiting guys."

She got up and grabbed her things. And we all left together.
Hinata was very on edge in the car ride. She kept glancing at me every few seconds.

"Hinata, what is it? Is your stomach hurting?" I asked.

"No. Its this." And in one swift move she moved next to me, cupped my chin and kissed me.

I was just about starting to kiss back but she let go.

"Better?" I asked.

Sorry it took me so long i was finishing chapter 2 of the black butler fanfic that i have yet to publish
and also the new ohshc fanfic? To publish or not to publish?
It has shorter chapters then this and its a hikaru fanfic
Sorry this chapter is so short also....
The dinner is coming up...if you remember what im talking about....
But 400 reads? Omg yall are amazing

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