ΩChapter Four: Hinata's POVΩ

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Hinata's POV

Scene: The dining room in the Ootori's vacation house in Okinawa. Haruhi, Hinata, Tamaki, and Kyoya on one side, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Honey on the other.

"Wow, Honey senpai! I adore crab! This looks awesome!" I said. Crab would be my best friend if it was a person.

"I'm glad Hina chan! Takashi and I love crab too! Almost as much as cake! Right?" Honey asked. Mori grunted. He barely talks. I mean hello? Aren't you in a host club? Whatever he is pretty cute.

"Why don't we dig in?" Haruhi said, a little scared.

  "Don't throw up like last time!" Hikaru and Kaoru said. Well that explains it. Its pretty funny though.

"WAIT! Before you all start!" Tamaki said, getting out ear muffs and putting them on his head. "ALL CLEAR!"

"Don't have to yell, sweetie!" I said.

  "WHAT?" Tamaki said. We laughed and he was wondering what was going on.

Haruhi was wearing one of my personal favorite dresses. Mint green with ruffly straps and three inches of ruffle at the bottom. Tamaki kept eyeing her. I observed he called himself daddy quite a few times. I mean some people might take that the wrong way. But....its cute. He is oblivious to love. Makes for a perfect story.

As for my dress, it was black and strapless, and had a fit and flare skirt that came to mid thigh. I had soft blue knee socks and black shoes. Matches my swimsuit from earlier. The twins kept looking and even Mori nodded in approval. I hope we don't get our clothes dirty.

I started eating a few crabs. They were awesome! "Honey senpai! These crabs!" I said. I was amazed. "Give me the recipe!"

"Oh it was nothing, Hina chan!" Honey senpai said. I smiled as we all talked-as for Tamaki, he yelled-together till midnight.
I walked around the hallways. I forgot which room I was supposed to go to for the night.

"Well, the first one might be it." I opened the door, and saw a bag on the bed. Next to it was Mori shirtless and looking at me.

"Damn! Sorry Mori senpai!" I said slamming the door.

"Terrfic door number two, maybe?" I said. I knocked this time. I heard no answer and saw Hiakru and Kaoru in boxers--may I add tight boxers--and them both playing video games. This time I slammed the door and banged my head against it once yelled "CRAP!" and walked away.

"More like terrible two! Threes a charm..." I said. I opened the door, finding Haruhi reading. I threw my fist in the air. "No shirtless hot guy this time! YES!" I shouted and slammed the door. Withen a minute of celebrating I realized that poor Haruhi was probably scared for life.

I opened tne door. "Erm...sorry Haruhi. I kind of--well that shout described everything." I said, blushing.

Haruhi laughed. "'Night Hinata senpai!"

"Good night." I said closing the door.

I freaked out as I saw Kyoya behind me....shirtless. Oh Gosh, help me.

"Sorry for frightening you. Your room is the next one." He escorted me inside. I saw my bag and no shirtless guy and smiled.

"Good night." He said. I looked at him and smiled. When was the last time I heard that. Never. Never a "Good night!" or a "Sweet dreams, Hinata dear!"

"Good night." I hugged him and smiled. It had a warm feeling to it. One that I've never had before. It probably won't matter later on.

I sat on my bed and rummaged through my bag. Kyoya was still standing there. He finally walked away pushing up his glasses. He silently closed the door.
Scene: The beach...and finally just the host club.

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