Chapter 126-130

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Chapter 126

When Jing Xian thought about it, she felt that there seemed to be a little truth in it.

"Jing Daming's family has done so many bad things that they won't have a good ending in the rest of their lives." Jing Feng thought of Jing Daming, and a murderous aura permeated his body. "If I could, I would also like to shoot him! But that would be too easy for him. They tortured each other for a lifetime, which makes me feel happy. That's more than 10,000 yuan!"

How many people in our country have so much money?

After Jing Xian finished talking with Jing Feng, she felt much better.

She thought of people who were even angrier than she was, patted Jingfeng on the shoulder, and said, "Dad, don't be angry! From now on, Jing Daming's family has nothing to do with us. What they did back then is now known to everyone in the neighborhood. They can't even hold their heads up high. People live by their reputation, and trees live by their skin. Unless they leave the factory and live somewhere else, they will be pointed at for the rest of their lives."

"So don't think about it." Jingfeng also comforted her.

Jing Xian thought about the more than 10,000 yuan and always felt that she shouldn't use the money herself: "Dad, I was planning to donate the money, but Shang Nanchen said that if I donate the money, it might arouse suspicion from others. Then people will check where I got so much money, which will have a bad impact."

Jingfeng said: "Isn't this easy? I'll donate the money for you. There are many places in our country that need money right now."

"Okay! I'll get it for you now."

Jing Xian went into the house and came out with twelve bundles of big unity in her hand.

She stuffed all the money into Jingfeng's hand without even looking at it.

Jingfeng held the money and said, "I'll make it up to you when the time comes."

"What do you want to make up? I'll ask you for money if I need it." Jing Xian said, "Dad, Shang Nanchen and I have been raising six children these years, and the food at home is pretty good. But we have also saved some money. A lot! Besides, didn't I keep the one thousand yuan I got from Jing Daming's house? I'll use that one thousand yuan to decorate our yard."

Jingfeng felt that his daughter did have the potential to ruin the family.

This money is spent like water.

She didn't feel sorry at all.

If it were someone else, they would be able to take away more than 10,000 yuan without a sound, and who knows, they would go back and live a good life in secret.

She, on the other hand, thought the money was dirty and didn't want it.

Jingfeng thought to himself that it was a good thing that he only had this one daughter, otherwise if he had more daughters like her, he might never be able to retire.

"By the way, Xiaoxian, do you want to install a toilet in your room?" Speaking of redecorating the house, Jingfeng thought of another thing. He hurriedly stopped Jingxian and asked her.

He was still worried that Jing Xian wouldn't be able to accept it, so he asked very carefully.

Jing Xian's eyes lit up, and when she turned around, she pretended to be surprised and asked, "Can there be a toilet in the house?"


Jingfeng felt that his daughter had a good ability to accept new things, so he immediately gave Jingxian some scientific knowledge.

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