Chapter Four

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I sat there staring at the article my throat burning. "Is that about me?" I pressed my hand to the side of my head remembering where I got shot.

"I don't know..." She gave me a grimace. She didn't know but I knew that it was. How could it not be? I mean how many people's fathers shot their mothers then them?

"James was your surname." I turned the page to see a picture of the couple that the article is talking about. That sealed it. She had this beautiful light brown wavy hair, freckles, and these soft green eyes. The green eyes that would crinkle when she smiled at me, ones that would shine when I gave her kisses, even shined when she cried.

"That's her." I fought the tears that wanted to escape. She was so beautiful.

"You look so much like her." She smiled at me weakly. This must be killing her too. Another reminder of how I am not her child. All the tension in my body instantly went to my head and it stared to pound.

"I need to lay down." I mumbled covering my eyes as the pain started. I felt Aspen rub on my side and whimper trying to calm me down. Jessa took my hand making me look at her.

"Come, lets get you back." She had the food in containers and paid. She helped me take my medication and got us a taxi. She helped me the whole way and her presence gave me that comfort I needed. She kept her eyes on me the whole ride back, making sure I didn't just drop. I laid my head on her shoulder as all the memories that I've pushed back for 12 years now came rushing back.

When we got back to the room I changed into my pajamas and laid down in Gunner's bed. Jessa sat next to me and stroked my hair as the emotions raged through me. Jessa got ready for bed and sat on the other bed in the room. I don't know how long I just laid there but Jessa was asleep when I finally sat up and gave up. She opened her eyes tiredly and looked at me. "Can't sleep, baby?" I shook my head. She patted the bed next to her and I curled up next to her and snuggled into her side.

"I'm always going to be right here for you, Amira. I might not have given birth to you. But you are my child and I will always love you." I hugged her close as I let out a sob. I honestly don't know where I would be without them. Jessa wrapped me tighter in the blankets and pulled me closer to her. She wrapped me in comfort, like a mother holding a child in her womb. All the exhaustion from before crashed down on me and I let my heavy eyes close and the darkness consume me....
I sat on the bed looking at my hands. Jessa was on the phone with Noah, filling him in with everything that happened. Every time I would look up I could see her, get bits and pieces of the conversation before she would smile and I would look away. I saw the door open before I looked up. Gunner smiled at me.

"Hey, Tink." He kissed me putting his bag down.

"How was it?" I asked him putting my arms around his neck putting my head on his shoulder.

"It was good. The roommate isn't that bad. I won't mind him." I gave him a weak smile. His eye brows came down in confusion. "What's wrong?" Jessa came out of the bathroom putting her phone away. She gave Gunner a smile.

"Did you have fun?" He nodded but looked down at me as I played with the necklace around his neck I got him for graduation.

"Amira, please, what's wrong? Your eyes are swollen." I put my hand on his face. "You've been crying? Why didn't you call?" I shrugged snuggling into his shoulder, my favorite place to be.

"I found an article about my parents." his eyes flickered to Jessa. "No, my birth parents. The one that did..." I put my hand to the side of my head where I could feel the rough scar. Gunner didn't say anything he just held me tighter and pressed his face into my hair. I craved his comfort, the comfort only he could give me. Jessa sat down.

"Noah is on his way home. He'll be there when we get back." I nodded at her sluggishly. "Are you hungry, baby?" I shook my head as Gunner's hand run up and down my back. "You have to eat."

"I'm not hungry." She gave me a sad look, giving Gunner a look before nodding.

"We better get packed so we can get back home." I nodded, pouting at her. She gave me a sad look.

"Your father will handle this. We will figure this out." I nodded at her.

"I know. I just, I don't know." Gunner nodded.

"I'll give my Dad a call. See if he can look in to anything." I smiled at him.

"Thank you." I kissed his jaw as Jessa smiled at him.

"Thank you, honey. Now come on. We have to get going so we can get home." I wanted nothing more then to be home and where I know that I'm around people that I love...

Noah stood at the door step when we got back. I couldn't help but run towards him and jump into his arms. "Daddy." I jumped into his arms and he spun me around.

"I've missed you too, Baby." he held me close to him and kissed my head. "I wish I would have been there for you. I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"You are here now. I missed you. Did you get me something when you were in Japan?" I asked changing the subject. He smiled shaking his head knowing what I did.

"I did. I got you and Arabelle matching Kemanos. You'll love them." Gunner came in behind me with mine and his bag. Noah nodded at him.

"Did you have fun?" He nodded.

"Yes, sir. I just wish Amira had a better time." he nodded. Noah put me down.

"I agree with you there. Amira, why don't you go see Arabelle, she's upstairs." I nodded looking between the two of them before going upstairs to talk to my best friend.

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