Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to a sick feeling in my stomach and a pounding in my head. I put my hand to the side of my head to feel the sticky wetness of blood. I groaned. The darkness that surrounded me left me blind and terrified. Deep breathes, Amira, you can do this. I felt around the darkness trying to find my way out. The air felt thin, I need to calm down. Someone help me I want to cry. I curled up in a ball when I found nothing. I thought about life, my family, and Gunner. Oh Gunner, he must be worried. I just went to get us lunch now I don't even know where I am. I want my parents, I want Noah to hold me and tell me I was safe and no one was going to hurt me.

I want Jessa to wrap me in blankets and we just lay on the bed and watch TV. I want that again. I should have never treated them like I didn't love them. I love them more then anything. They're my family. No matter if there are people out there who share the blood that runs though my veins, the Bennetts' are my family. I just want to go back before all of these things happened. I wish I knew this before I got myself kidnapped. I wrap my arms around myself as I got cold, holding the sleeves tightly to my body. I need to protect myself for whatever is going to happen.

Suddenly the darkness ceased, and light shined into the small space. I looked into light as it grabbed me and yanked me out of the darkness. The man from the garage was glaring down at me. "She's bleeding all over my fucking car." He growled throwing me forward. I laid on the ground, the energy to get up flowing out of me. My whole body was aching with the new cuts and scraps. 

Another figure came towards us, I couldn't see his features from the angle I was at, but he lifted me off the ground with ease. "Watch yourself, ass-wipe." My heart started to beat out of my chest. Standing in front of me was Dylan, the man I've been running from since before I graduated high school. He wanted me and know here he is, I have a feeling that wasn't a coincidence. 

"I got you her, no dog. Where's my money?" He glared at me, looking back at Dylan as he held my arm tightly.

"You'll get your money. Now leave us alone." He ran his fingers up and down my arm. I felt sick as I stared at him then back at the man. I was begging him not to leave me with him with my eyes. Please, for the love of everything, don't leave me here with him.

"Enjoy." He smirked walking away from us. Dylan dragged me towards a field. Then I noticed we were at the high school, alone because their was no school. Please, don't let this happen, I prayed.

"Amira you have no idea how much I wanted you." He ran his nose up the side of my face. I held in my tears. This was it, this is the end. "I've done so much to get you, smooch to get you to see me, but you didn't listen." He grabbed my face pulling me towards his. "Now you're mine. Whether you like it or not. I don't care anymore." He pushed me to the ground. He laid down on top of me. "You wanted Byrnes, why would you want him and not me. I did everything for you to see me, but you ignored it. All you cared about was him." He punched me when I tried to wiggle away from him. I whimpered, I just want to go home. 

"I'll show you, I'm much better then he is." He ripped at my pants trying to get them off. Never give up, Amira. Never accept your fate. fight back. My mothers voice called into my head. She's right, why am I just giving up. I shouldn't be just giving up. I need to fight back, for myself and my family. "What are you going to do, Amira?" He laughed. "You can't do anything." I kicked and screamed like I have never before. I've been in the situation where I fought for my life before when I was younger, but now I fought for everything. I couldn't let Dylan win.

"Help." I screamed as loud as I could as Dylan covered my mouth and held my throat. 

"Shut up." He growled choking me. I scratched him and hit him. I couldn't give up. I love my life now, I couldn't just give up. I punched and kicked and knocked him off.

"Help me, Please." I screamed as loud as I possibly could. I tried to move as fast as I could away from him, but it was no use. He pulled me back to him, punching me again and again. I tried to fight back but it was no use. I screamed till my own ears rang and my chest hurt. Dylan wrapped his hands around my throat again and squeezed. He completely ripped my pants off as I hit him as hard as I could. This was it, I was done for. I looked up at Dylan.

"You're not supposed to be able to talk." He growled as I punched at him. He pulled at my underwear as I kicked. I closed my eyes, waiting for the undeniable pain but instead the weight was gone. Dylan was gone. I pulled up my underwear and what was left of my pants before looking around. A man was on top of Dylan and put him in a choke hold. He fought him effortlessly until Dylan was knocked out. I wiped my face of the blood and looked at him. He walked towards me slowly, his hands up into the air. 

"Hi, Sweetie, I just need to tie up his hands till the police come. Can I borrow your shoe laces?" He walked towards me slowly, like I was a wild beast about to attack. I handed him my shoe as the tears started to fall. He pulled it out in one quick movement and wrapped Dylan's hands so he couldn't move. He walked back towards me. He reminded me of Noah, he was so calm and he protected me.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay now. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He said put his hand out for me to take. I took it instantly and he wrapped me in his arms. "You're okay, I gotcha." He held me tight as I cried into his chest. "You're going to be okay." He held me tight as I fully broke down.

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