Chapter 2

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The sun is rising and the birds are coming out. I'm a senior high student and I will be going to school today, My cell phone was ringing a while ago so when I woke up I quickly turned it off and when I looked at the time, I was surprised because i was about to be late for my first class.

Naya: Since when did my alarm rings? Oh gosh I'm late, i need to hurry!

I quickly get ready and when I got to my school I bumped into a older person, because I was in a hurry that I didn't see a person behind me. When I suddenly saw the  person that I bumped into, I was surprise.

Naya: Ow! Huh? Mrs. Aider?

Mrs Alder: Oh, My back hurts, are you okay? How do you know my name?

Naya: I'm fine Mrs. Aider, Maybe you don't remember me, I'm Naya Heidi. I was your neighbor before the Naya little one.

Mrs. Aider was shocked by what I said and she was happy to see me again, then she hugged me as if she misses me.

Mrs Aider: How are you? I miss you little kiddo! It's been so long since I last saw you, you used to be a little kid but now you are all grown up and beautiful.

Naya: Thank you Mrs. Aider, I'm fine and I miss you too.

While we were having fun talking, I forgot that I still had class. So I quickly said goodbye to Mrs. Aider and go to my room.

When I was approacing my room I heard some footsteps, I'm thinking that maybe it will come this way so I quickly entered the room, luckily the professor wasn't here yet. I sat in the empty seat in the back, When i heard that the professor was coming. I was nervous because maybe she might be rude or strict scary. But i shouldn't think about that now since I'm so thankful that I passed this school. When the door opened I saw a very beautiful woman and I was shocked that I can't think it was really her.

Haila: Good morning everyone, I'm Professor Ingrid and i will be the one teaching this morning. I know there's many of you are transferre so please raise your hand so I can recognize you.

Students: Okay, Professor Ingrid.

Murmuring: It looks like she was a straight forward person and also she have a serious look it scares me, I won't wonder if she was strict.

By hearing this two person talking behind my back about her, I still can't believe and didn't expect anything that she will be our professor but that day when I saw her at the bar she was young looking but now how come?, Will she remember me, My face and all we did that day? uhh! It was my badluck! I guess, I should just pretend that I forgot and will lie about everything, maybe that will work. When I raised my hand with shyness feeling, she looked at me with a fearless look, I was so shocked and scared at the same time, as if I wanted to curse myself out of the room.

After 50minutes, Finally the class was dismissed, I couldn't stay in that room for a long time, I couldn't concentrate, and I couldn't even look into her eyes. I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the door when someone approached me.

Zake: Hi miss Naya, Good morning!

Naya: Yes? Good morning! May I help you? Mr...  Zake right?

Zake: Yes Ms. Naya, Oh btw before I forgot, I just wanted to ask....

Naya: Ask? What do you want to ask Zake?

Zake: Is it okay if we go out together, Just hoping we can be friends?

Naya: Sure! And one thing, you don't have to be so formal around me. We are not far apart.

Zake: ohh, okay hahahaha. thank you so much! So see you tomorrow then?

Naya: Yeah, See you tom......

While me and Zake are about to said goodbye to each other when someone heard us about what we've talked earlier, it got interrupt in a nice way, me and Zake was shocked and wondering how long does this one heard our conversation together.

Kim: Can I come?

Zake: No you can't! How long have you been hearing us talking?

Naya: Hahaha, I didn't know that someone was behind my back.

Kim: Sorry, but I wasn't been behind you for long and also I only  just heard you both talking when I pass by.

Zake, Naya: Ah.. okay!

Zake: Btw kim this is Naya a new transfer student here.

Kim: Hi Naya, it was nice to meet you.

Zake: And Naya she's Kim from other section, same grade with us.

Naya: Cool, it was nice to meet you, Kim.

As I was thinking about, maybe they're been friends for a long time, they seem close, and the way they tease each other it looks cute. The way I looked and just stood in front of them while smiling, they suddenly  notice me!

Zake: Why are you smiling Naya, Is there anything wrong with my face?

Naya: Huh? No. I'm just wondering why you both looks cute together.

Kim: Ehh?

While the three of us are having a fun talked. Zake suddenly had a emergency, so our conversation was interrupted again and they hurried to go and waved goodbye to me. When I was walking while checking on my phone, someone pulled me to the office door. I was surprise by this person.

To be continued.

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