Chapter Two

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Blake sat down opposite James, a man that she had just met

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Blake sat down opposite James, a man that she had just met. The more she thought about it, the more she thought she was an idiot for going off with a random stranger especially after what had just happened. But James had proved his loyalty by coming to Blake's defence.

Blake was caught off guard at James starring back at her intensely. "Are you okay?"

Blake nodded before smiling. "I'm okay, sorry. I'm just a little shaken up."

James nodded. "I understand that." He replied. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll get these as a thank you."

"No." James snapped. "They're on me."

Blake smiled weakly. "Just a strawberry daiquiri, please."

James nodded his head. He stood up from the table before taking his coat off and placing it on the back of the chair. Blake eyes followed James' muscular figure as he walked over to the bar. She smiled to herself.

Perhaps now was a good time to message Nadine and tell her about her new friend.

Blake thought it was cute how James kept looking over at her to check she was okay. It was either that or James was making sure that Blake had not ran away from their date. Was this even a date?

James walked back to the table, he placed her drink down in front of her. "Thank you James."

"You're welcome." He said lowly. "I wanted a whiskey, but apparently it's cocktails only on a Saturday."

Blake smirked at James' drink which did look quite feminine compared to the whiskey which he originally wanted.

"I think it looks cute." Blake teased as James held it up in his hand before chuckling at her comment. "You know, I don't even know you."

James chuckled again before raising an eyebrow. "No, you don't."

"I know your name. I know you have a British accent. Are you from England?"

James nodded his head. "Well, originally. I've lived in New York since I was a child." James admitted. "I go back every so often to see family."

Blake nodded. "London?"

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