Chapter Three

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It had been five days since James had met Blake by coincidence after saving her from a gang of thugs

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It had been five days since James had met Blake by coincidence after saving her from a gang of thugs. James had invited Blake over tonight however he had to postpone it by an hour due to work commitments.

The water in the harbour was calm as James walked along the marina towards the destination that his associate and friend, Mark had sent.

James could hear some commotion as he neared the destination. As he took a corner he could see Mark and Brad standing before another man who was on his knees infront of them.

James sighed to himself as he quickly realised what was happening here. For months they had been trying to track down Marco Perreri and tonight, here he was.

"James! Glad you could join us." Mark exclaimed, a hint of fire in his eye.

"Well I haven't got long, so we need to make this quick." James admitted as he joined the two other men.

"Did you get Gavin's message?" Mark asked.

James nodded. "Mhm." He sounded in a low tone before turning to the man on his knees. "I sure did."

James carefully squatted down infront of Marco, tilting his head to ensure that this was the right guy that they were after.

"P-Please." Marco muffled through the tape covering his mouth.

"We meet again." James smirked as he looked Marco dead in the eye.

"Is it him James?" Brad questioned.

James nodded. "Sure is." James growled.

Out of nowhere, James swung his fist around the side of Marco's head chasing him to fall to the floor. James shook his now bleeding fist and groaned.

"Are we on an even square?" James asked.

Marco was nodding quickly in a panic. "Where did you find him?" James asked, looking back to Mark and Brad.

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