Movie Night

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Newt: Anything Disney...He thinks its adorable when you sing along to the songs. He tries not to laugh but when he does you always hit him with a pillow to make him stop. He won't admit it but you've caught him get teary eyed during some of them like Up.

Thomas: The Ring. You hate scary movies but when it's his turn to pick the movie, you have no say. You don't mind it too much though cause when you get scared Thomas holds you close and kisses your forehead. You're pretty sure that's why he chooses scary movies.

Minho: Mean Girls. You love how brutal the girls are to one another and you two always quote it to each other. You're pretty sure Minho gets sassier if thats even possible after watching it. Minho doesn't like a whole lot of girly movies but this is one of the few that he'll watch with you

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