What Happens After You Die

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He could barely keep it together once they all made it out of the maze. Well all but you and a few others. He couldn't believe he'd let you slip away. If only he had let you jump first. He loved you with all his heart. He wouldn't let your death be in vain.

That thought kept him going as they continued their journey to the safe haven.


He caught you in his arms as your body fell to the floor. He screamed your name as he held you close. He couldn't believe you were gone.

He became even more determined to find a cure. He didn't want anyone else close to him to be lost to this stupid disease.


He had just gotten everyone under a shelter from the storm when he realized something.

"H-has anyone seen y/n?" He asked hesitantly. Sadly this life had led people to think the worst.

All the survivors shook their heads. He looked around frantically for you.

"Where in the shuck could she be?" He thought. He froze and turned to the sand and storm. He fell to his knees as the tears poured down his face. There was little chance of finding your body out there.

** enjoy the sadness!!! Dedicated to ZeldaPotter for the cool idea!! xoxo Riley**

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